Archive for June 12th, 2009

June 12th, 2009

Out of Commission

I’ve been out sick, out of commission for two days now, drinking my 7-up, OJ and chicken noodle soup, hoping to get back to being inspired.  And it got me thinking…why is it so hard for us to listen and take care of ourselves when we’re healthy and especially when we get sick?

In between resting and blowing my nose, I started thinking about how smart our bodies are in telling us when we need to take a break.  I, for example, began feeling tired from last weekend but I kept forcing myself to work my day job, go to the gym and then come home and start writing at night.  The effects left my wrist sore, my eyes red and me feverish by Thursday evening.  

Spending time at home doing nothing, I realized that there will always be more things to do at the top of my to do list, but that taking time to relax should be a priority.  So my challenge for you is to take some time whether it’s 5 minutes or 15, to spend time doing nothing.  Get comfortable sitting in silence and see what kinds of things come up for you.  

I think we need to disconnect and tune out from the technological world we live in today and take some time to just be.  You might find it uncomfortable or you may find that it brings you peace.  Just try and see.  Who knows?  It might become a part of your routine and prevent you from getting a full blown sickness like me.