Posts tagged ‘Green Career for Dummies’

March 17th, 2010

Happy St. Patrick's Day + Green Reveal

What a great day for a green day! I promised I’d share the surprise and I’m just about ready to burst. But first…

A few days ago I declared a diet-a joyful one. (a.k.a. The Joy Diet: 10 Daily Practices for a Happier Life)
I’ve been doing it and let me tell you how it’s been going so far.

I started on Monday and boy was I in need of the first tip:

Do Nothing!

I wasn’t too worried because I thought, “How hard is it to do nothing, really?”

It was pretty hard. In fact, I had to squeeze in time to do it, in between going to the gym and watching my 4 year old rabbit. Not a good idea, by the way. It was a struggle to do nothing when you’ve got a bunny pushing you with his little nose. I sat their for 15 min trying hard to do nothing, but in fact, watching him (I admit) was actually doing something.

Yesterday, I tried it again. Morning came and went. Then early evening came as went too. I’m a horrible dieter, but this was ridiculous! I knew I needed just 15 minutes so I simply had to get nothing done.

I’m happy to say that at 10 pm I finally shut the door and sat in my room for 15 minutes doing nothing. At first, the sound of nothingness felt like it was seeping into my brain. I thought I would crazy by the white noise around me. Then, every single sound (e.g. cars, the sound of the bunny walking in his cage) seemed heightened. I heard things I never heard before.

After that faded, I started thinking, like the monkey brain often does. Thinking about what I would write about this situation, what tomorrow would be like, etc. Then came worrying-worrying about how long this was, should I be doing something else, was the timer working?

After my brain thoughts tired me out, I began wondering how long I was sitting there in nothingness. It felt like an eternity. I thought I knew 15 minutes. I knew it like the back of my hand. The way it felt while I was killing time to go to an appointment or go to the gym. That 15 minutes was like one breath and it was gone. This 15 minutes felt like forever.

Then it dawned on me!

Maybe this is the secret of life, I’ve been searching for. A way to press pause on time. Instead of rushing around, trying to make use of my time, what if I just sat there and did nothing? I’d always thought doing so was wasting it, but what if I’d been doing it wrong all along?

Doing nothing! What a concept! I’m going to try again tonight and the rest of the week. We’ll see what a few more days will do. But I got to say, I’m pretty impressed with just these past two days. Maybe you should try it to.

Okay back to the something BIG I promised in 1 week!

Ever heard of those dummy books? You know those how-to do something books which are pretty much _______ fill in the blank and there’s a dummy book for it?

Well there’s one that just happened to come out recently and I just happened to have a chance to meet the inspiring author.

The book?

Green Careers For Dummies

The author?

Carol McClelland, PhD. She’s also the founder and executive director of Green Career Central.

The reveal?

She’ll be joining us here on 2inspired on Wednesday, March 24th so mark your calendars. And get ready to post questions and comments for her on that date. For all of you searching for your dream career, ask away and tune in to find out if this book might lead you to the green dream career you’re looking for.

The bonus?

She’s also giving away one of her Green Careers for Dummies books! Pretty exciting, eh? A perfect reveal for a green themed day.

How’s that for a Happy St. Patty’s Day?!