Posts tagged ‘Halloween’

October 28th, 2009

What's Really Scaring You This Halloween?

This post was inspired by The Urban Muse writer Susan Johnston’s post on Freelancing Fears. It got me thinking about a common theme to 2inspired-fears. Sure Halloween conjures up images of ghost, goblins and ghouls, but it’s also a reminder about some of our real fears like money and careers. This Halloween instead of dressing up like a witch, I’m thinking a huge empty wallet will be a lot more spooky.

For me, I’m cringing over non-paying clients, no clients at all and the fear that I’ll never get to check “Successful freelance writer, blogger and best-selling author” off my list of things to do before I die. Pretty scary huh?

What about you in the blogosphere? Any fears scaring you this year? Share them with me here.

Scary things on Halloweenphoto by: Brian Hathcock