Posts tagged ‘leaving Hawaii’

August 22nd, 2009

A Thoughtful Question

In my last post, I talked about the return to simplicity.  It was inspired by my desire to return to Hawaii.  I’ve been living on the mainland for about 7 years with time in Oregon and California and everytime I go back I feel a difference.  It kind of feels like I’ve lost chunks of time in my life, as if I traveled through a time machine and when I returned home everything changed.

The first time away I was in my early twenties and summer was 3 months of going out with friends and dancing until the next morning.  Then after I graduated college and moved home for a few years, friends coupled up and settled down, planting their roots in corporate jobs.  I, on the other hand, felt like I hadn’t had enough and left again.  Somewhere between my mid and late-twenties everyone got married and I still had little desire to plunker down.

My dog got older.  My grandmas got older.  And this time around everyone’s on the third leg of the race with babies and kids and I still wonder, “Have I done enough?”  And will the pockets of time missed here become gigantic gulfs of missed memories one day that I will regret experiencing?

Have you ever asked yourself the same question?  Are you stuck in a job you hate?  Feeling in a rut?  Life happens whether we jump or not.  I guess the real question is, “What are we willing to sacrifice to live the life we are living?”