Posts tagged ‘Personal story of faith’

February 24th, 2010

2010 Cloudy With a Chance of Sunshine?

This year was beginning to feel like a flop. The kind that reminds me of my little bunny and how he runs and jumps and then in pure animal fatigue, flops down as if saying, “I’m tired. Now leave me alone!”

That’s how I was feeling too. With being unable to say good-bye to my 14 year old sheltie before she was put to sleep, moving and with a few disappointments, upsets and struggles here and there, I was starting to wonder if the belief that God gives you only as much as you could handle was wrong.

It’s only February and I was already starting to think, “Okay. I had enough!”

Yet, the sun poked through, finally finding it’s way back home. New clients, better opportunities and finally settling in has gradually made 2010’s outlook not so bad after all.

I realized, however, that while those external circumstances have helped me a great deal in seeing the silver lining, staying positive and hopeful are what got me through the worst of it.

Everyone goes through hard times. Yet, there are some that can transform the most challenging situations into opportunities to grow and strengthen one’s faith.

It’s not easy.

Sometimes I think it’s easier to stay in the dark shadows and complain about our situation than it is to step out into the sunlight. Because if we take that risk and take responsibility for our life, there’s no one left to blame but ourselves.

Stepping out of my situation, while painful, is the only real solution to walking an inspired life. I can sit and wait for life to be good to me or I can stand up and risk everything to feel truly alive.

I think I’ll choose the latter. How about you?