Posts tagged ‘Portland Oregon’

December 8th, 2009

Passionate about Portland

My husband inspired this entry.

In Portland, after visiting with friends and family he said, “Don’t you think it’s inspiring?”

“What’s inspiring?” I asked.

“The way people in Portland care so much about what they do. How they take their time to make the best coffee or beer or craft.”

I never thought much about it in great detail until he brought it up. But he was right. Portlanders did care and it showed. It explained why it took so long to get a cup of joe, the artisans crafting it were putting passion in a cup. In fact, it took awhile to get everything there. And there was something else-being unique seemed to be treasured.

The City of Roses even have a slogan for their city, “Keep Portland weird.” It got me thinking-wouldn’t it be great if we all had that as our personal motto and brought that level of passion, creativity and individuality to everything we did? What an amazing thing to be accepted for your uniqueness and cherished for your craft.

I think it’s an important reminder for everyone to keep growing, learning and pushing past what’s familiar and easy to bring the best of ourselves to each situation every day. I don’t know about you but that’s something I’d aspire to.

Hot cocoa in Portland