To be, or not to be inspired, that is the question.

If you let it, life can be mundane, tedious, boring.  Every day can mesh together into one long year of disappointment and heartbreak.  And one moment becomes years of meaningless life.  On the other hand, life can also be magical, breathtaking, uplifting, inspiring.

What determines the difference between the two?

The difference is in the eyes of the beholder and what lies behind those eyes.  The ability to reach through difficulty, pain, indifference and come out the other side, hopeful and compassionate for ourselves and others.

In ‘Ode on a Grecian Urn,’ John Keats wrote these famous words, “Beauty is truth, truth beauty.”  And though he might have had a different meaning, it reminds me of something else about life that is inspiring.  It’s the moments of vulnerability, deep and often painful honesty that reveals our true humanity.  That truth itself can be inspiring and meaningful because it connects us to one another.  It delves deep into our psyche and pulls out from under it, an authentic being.  One that does not hide behind superficialities, that does not cover itself in the way we wish things were but only shows beauty in what they are.

What’s inspiring are the people that are perfect in their imperfection, that strive to be themselves, that struggle for self-acceptance, that work hard to better their lives and the lives of their family.  From simplicity and love, dwells magic and inspiration.

When heart trembles, goose bumps form and love fills in the gaps, there is life-a truly inspiring one.

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