Archive for July 31st, 2009

July 31st, 2009

One Week of Listening to Yourself

We get information overload everytime we switch on our computers. We’re logged on, Facebooked, Twittered, Myspaced, Stumbled Upon, etc. No wonder we can’t decide what to do with our lives, let alone decide what to do right now.

That’s the reason why I decided that for 1 week I would get quiet, centered and focus inward. There will always need to be something to do, something to stress about, someone who knows better than me telling me what I should do. But for just one whole week, I’m going to try and listen to myself.

This means whenever I have an instinct about something, no matter how tiny or quiet and seemingly insignificant, I am going to follow it. This experiment grew out of a desire to see if we really have the answers to all of our problems. You know the belief that the answer “lies within.” Well I’m going to try it.

What about you? Do you have problems like me listening to your inner voice, or are you a whiz at following your instincts?

My hope is that by listening to myself, I will get even closer to my dreams.

Here’s another tool for that as well. has a new application on their website that you can download for free. It’s the O Dream Board, a virtual vision board that allows you to upload pictures from your computer or their site to create the digital version of your dreams. I’ve already started using it and it’s been fun! I’ll let you know if it works.
