Posts tagged ‘Holidays’

February 11th, 2010

How to Spend Valentine's Day Without Spending Lots of Dough

Valentine’s Day…It’s a coming! How are you spending the holiday?

I have to say with our move and the recent death of my 14 year old dog, 2010 has been anything, but easy. Actually, it’s kicked me in the butt a few times. All the more reason to really take the opportunity to do something BIG for this heart holiday.

For you, big might mean a bouquet of flowers, a box of candy or dinner to a fancy restaurant. But for me this year, I think I’m going to work hard at celebrating the person I love the most…myself!

Valentine’s Gifts for Yourself

  1. Keep a journal. I’ve been reading Julia Cameron’s Finding Water: The Art of Perseverance (Artist’s Way). In it, she talks about weekly dates and morning journals. Both ideas have inspired my ideal Valentine’s day.
  2. Making a weekly date with moi. Whether you go for a walk or have lunch/coffee on your own, celebrate a special date with your favorite person…you. It’s a great way to reconnect with yourself. I did it a few days ago and found surprising peace by focusing on the moment and the meal in front of me, instead of external sources.
  3. Give to others. After you’ve done enough to fill your own tank, it’s wonderful if you can share the love with others. Do it with time or money. Donate to a favorite charity/organization or volunteer your time to help others. The rewards you get back will feel like a gift greater than the gift you gave.
  4. Show gratitude. Whether you’re in singledom or coupledom, I’m sure there are tons of people in your life that you couldn’t live without. Make V-day the day that you show your appreciation to them for the big and small things they do all year. If money is tight, a card or even a hug is enough to say, “Thank you!”

How about you? Any ideas for Valentine’s Day you’d like to share?

December 28th, 2009

Why I Decided to Open Old Wounds to Start Anew

When you think of the new year, what comes to mind? A list of new resolutions you’d bet your life you’ll fail? Or a Christmas list of treasures that start with Oprah and end with book club?

This year when the shiny ball falls in Times Square, I’m going to wish for something deeper.

I had a dream a few nights ago. I dreamed that I was going through old boxes of letters. Scanning through them like there was no tomorrow, I remember telling a friend what I was doing.

“I’m decluttering,” I said. “Making amends with people who I have unfinished business with.”

My first reaction was waking up in a panic thinking, “Oh my gosh? Is this the end? Am I going to die?”

After my clearly overdramatic reaction, I realized that maybe my dream was telling me that I needed to get down to business.

I have to start making amends, having compassion, accepting so-called unhappy endings, and finally putting an end to loose ends.

In reality, the job is not so easy.

I can’t just go through a box of letters and call old friends or can I?

I’ve already sent an email to one old friend and as for the rest? Well I guess we’ll have to see.

Anyway, regardless of what we want for the new year, whether real or fantasy, there is real opportunity here. To reflect on and be grateful for the things that went well this year and to declutter, reorganize and take a deep, sometimes painful look at the odds and ends we abandoned and ignored.

So for 2010, it’s not losing weight or being a millionaire that’s topping my resolutions list (though it would be nice), but learning how to be more compassionate with others as well as myself. And to open up that box of unfinished business and get unpacking.

Starting the new year with less baggage and more room for opportunity and positive experiences, are definitely something I’m going to aspire to.

What about you?

Any business left undone? Friends who you’ve lost touch with?

If you can’t reach them personally, do so in your heart. Imagine what you would say to them. Imagine that there is suddenly peace instead of heartache. Then, wait. See what it’ll do to you.

I’m thinking it just might change your world.

Happy New Year’s everyone!