Valentine’s Day…It’s a coming! How are you spending the holiday?
I have to say with our move and the recent death of my 14 year old dog, 2010 has been anything, but easy. Actually, it’s kicked me in the butt a few times. All the more reason to really take the opportunity to do something BIG for this heart holiday.
For you, big might mean a bouquet of flowers, a box of candy or dinner to a fancy restaurant. But for me this year, I think I’m going to work hard at celebrating the person I love the most…myself!
Valentine’s Gifts for Yourself
- Keep a journal. I’ve been reading Julia Cameron’s Finding Water: The Art of Perseverance (Artist’s Way)
. In it, she talks about weekly dates and morning journals. Both ideas have inspired my ideal Valentine’s day.
- Making a weekly date with moi. Whether you go for a walk or have lunch/coffee on your own, celebrate a special date with your favorite person…you. It’s a great way to reconnect with yourself. I did it a few days ago and found surprising peace by focusing on the moment and the meal in front of me, instead of external sources.
- Give to others. After you’ve done enough to fill your own tank, it’s wonderful if you can share the love with others. Do it with time or money. Donate to a favorite charity/organization or volunteer your time to help others. The rewards you get back will feel like a gift greater than the gift you gave.
- Show gratitude. Whether you’re in singledom or coupledom, I’m sure there are tons of people in your life that you couldn’t live without. Make V-day the day that you show your appreciation to them for the big and small things they do all year. If money is tight, a card or even a hug is enough to say, “Thank you!”
How about you? Any ideas for Valentine’s Day you’d like to share?