Archive for ‘Successful Dreamers’

March 24th, 2010

Guest Post: How I Found My Way to Green Careers

Well the day is finally here! I’ve been holding in my excitement for months now waiting until the day when I could feature this successful dreamer. After reading her 1998 book,”Seasons of Change : Using Nature’s Wisdom to Grow Through Life’s Inevitable Ups and Downs” I knew I had to feature her. Author of four books including her latest book, “Green Careers For Dummies, founder and executive director of her green career site, “Green Career Central, Carol McClelland, PhD, is a true inspiration! I’m happy to welcome her to 2inspired and am excited that she’s here. Read her story on what it took to get her to live the life of her dreams, green dreams that is, in the field of green careers.

Since 1991 I’ve worked with professionals in the midst of career transitions. My passion is helping mid-career professionals identify the work they love that matches their values and their lifestyle needs. Over time my work has taken different forms from one-on-one consulting, teaching career self-assessment courses at the local university, facilitating workshops and retreats, training other professionals to use my career programs with their own clients, and writing books, but the purpose of my work has always remained the same.

In 2007 I attended a book marketing conference in Los Angeles with a colleague. I was searching, trying to figure out my next step. Throughout the conference two themes caught my attention.

  1. Don’t wait to make a difference – do it now! – I’ve always known I wanted to contribute more to the environment in some way. I’d been waiting to act on this passion until…until when?
  2. Focus on ONE thing – Throughout my business I’ve always been torn between two topics – the career transition work I described above and helping people through major life transitions using nature and the seasons as the guiding metaphor. Finding the right balance and priorities for these two themes has been a constant source of confusion for me.

As I was trying to choose which ONE thing to focus on – my career work or my work with nature – I was torn. I didn’t want to give up either one. I don’t mind admitting it; I felt anxious, frustrated, and confused.

As the conference drew to an end, my colleague and I took some time to reflect on what we wanted to take away from the conference. I was describing my dilemma of choosing one of my passions over the other. Her first question was, what if you helped professionals find green careers?

I felt an immediate shock of recognition. It was as if all of my business choices and decisions over the years had prepared me for this next step in my business. This direction allowed me to focus on ONE target market while weaving my two passions together in a unique way. In addition the business would allow me to contribute to the state of the environment in a significant way.

Driving home to the Bay Area from Los Angeles gave me plenty of time to consider my new direction. Ideas were popping open like popcorn! Now, three years later, I’m still implementing ideas that came to me during that brainstorming session.

As I reflected on my decision to refocus my business on helping professionals find green careers, I was struck by how consistently “green” topics showed up throughout my life history: from the toys and books I loved as a child, to my favorite memories of family road trips to National Parts, to school projects I chose to work on. Later in life my passions, volunteer activities, and most poignant moments all relate to nature and the environment in some way.

I’m thrilled to be helping people discover their own passions and how they can use their passions and talents within the green economy.

Thanks SO much Carol! For more information on green jobs, you can visit Carol’s site Green Career Central. And if you’ve got any questions for Carol about green jobs and her book, Green Careers For Dummiesfeel free to leave them here. She kindly offered to check in throughout the day to comment and answer questions. Plus, those who leave a comment, tweet or share the story on Facebook today will get an entry to win Carol’s book. The winner will be announced on Monday. Good luck!

November 17th, 2009

Successful Dreamer: Annabel Candy

Successful DreamerI believe things happen for a reason and my recent run in with inspiring blogger Annabel Candy is a good example of that. Call it synchronicity. Call it a god wink. Call it mere coincidence. What I know for sure is that finding Candy was sweet synergy to me.

I first spotted her on Problogger. She was a guest blogger, posting the popular, “Getting Over the Blogger’s 6 Month Itch.” I was so intrigued that I ventured over to her site Get in the Hot Spot to check it out. When I discovered that her mission was to help others follow their dreams, I was sold. That’s why I’m thrilled to feature here as this week’s Successful Dreamer! I hope that you’ll be as inspired by Annabel as I was by her. So without further ado, please welcome inspiring writer and world traveler, Annabel Candy.

Where’d you get that fabulously creative name for your blog Get in the Hot Spot?

I set the blog up to put myself ‘in the hot spot’ and force myself to write, so the name came from that idea. But there are a few other meanings of ‘hot spot’ that fit nicely too.

A hot spot’s a lively, active place and I want my blog to be a fun, informative centre for personal development with the focus on helping people achieve their dreams.

My personal dream involves travel and a lot of my readers also want to travel, yearning for warmer climates and exotic places. Get In the Hot Spot is a place where people can come to dream, to learn how to start working towards their dreams and to stay motivated. The idea is that me and the readers each enjoy living in our own personal hot spot.

Give us bit of info about your blog. What was your original purpose for writing it and where do you see it going in the future?

The aim has changed. At first I did it to get myself to write. That worked.

Then I decided to see if I could get 1000 subscribers to convince a publisher I had a readership and get my manuscript published. But I had more fun writing the blog than the manuscript!

I’m still working towards getting 1000 subscribers in a year but I have until March 2010 to achieve it. If that works the next challenge will be to see if I can make money out of my blog because that way I can carry on writing it without my husband complaining that I spend too much time on it:)

I’d love to keep getting more readers and help more people to start working towards living their dream.

What is one of the most important things you’ve learned on your journey to follow your dreams?

If you don’t follow your dreams you won’t be happy. If they don’t work out it won’t matter, you’ll be glad you tried and good will still come from that. For me true happiness lies in following our secret dreams, no matter how big, small or silly they are.

Can you describe a huge hurdle in your life and how you tackled it?

I can think of three big hurdles:
Doing an MA in Design for Interactive Media when I didn’t even know how to turn on a computer was hard.
Giving birth to an 11lb baby at home was hard.
Travelling round Central America with three kids aged 1, 5 and 8 was hard.

But I love to take on challenges. I get stuck in and do it. The hard part doesn’t last long when you look back and the final rewards are brilliant.

When you set yourself a challenge and do it you end up feeling as if you’ve conquered Everest. It’s a real confidence booster that makes you think you can do anything. It gives you a winning attitude which encourages you to challenge yourself more.

Have you ever doubted your ability to be a full-time writer? How have you managed to overcome this fear?

Yes! All the time. I think a lot of writers do.

The only way to overcome doubt or fear is to face it. So I wrote and shared my writing then I got some positive feedback and that persuaded me to carry on.

Like most things writing takes practice. Now I write daily my writing is faster and hopefully it’s getting better too.

What is one advice you wished someone had told you about pursuing your passion and following your dreams?

Go for it. My parents warning me not to become a writer because it was “too competitive”. I want to encourage my kids to do what they love and try things out for themselves. You have to learn by experience.

What do you love best about your job as a full-time blogger?

Two things. When you get a new idea for a post – the aha moment is great.

And I love reading comments from people thanking me for inspiring me and helping them. That’s why I write so it’s great to know when I’ve achieved my goal.

Thank you Annabel for your words of wisdom and inspiration!  Please visit Annabel’s website Get in the Hot Spot 2 be inspired. She would love to hear from you and is open to questions and to assist readers looking to pursue their dreams.