Posts tagged ‘Finding your dream job’

May 14th, 2010

What You're Doing Right

I’m a big fan of Twitter for obvious reasons. I’ve got almost 400 kick-butt followers from editors and web designers to small business owners to freelance writers. And I even have a handful of my all-time favorite peeps. (Like Ms. Martha Beck who I’m still blushing in disbelief from her words of humor/wisdom in our recent twitter chats.)

The one thing that I haven’t really enjoyed, however, is the number of tweets and articles out there that tell you what you’re doing wrong. Their provocative, grab you pieces might gain tons more attention that this humble blog does, but I can’t help wonder how helpful they really are.

Maybe in the big scheme of things knowing that I should, for example, have my name as a Twitter handle instead of the name of my blog, is a good thing. It’s also good to know that I shouldn’t be a freelancer if I don’t like sitting at my desk or working alone or doing paperwork or working as a business, etc. But what I see less in the Twitter realm is what we’re doing right.

Why are there so many negative articles and posts out there? Can knowing what we’re doing wrong be more helpful than focusing on what we’re doing right?

Maybe having someone bark orders at some is necessary. Maybe we need the knowledge to come straight and clear for us to get it. But for some, I think a little bit of encouragement would be better.

If you’re on the road to following your passion, would you want someone to berate you for what you’re doing wrong or support you and focus on what you’re doing right?

Maybe it’s a preference thing. But for me, on this journey to freelance freedom, I’d much rather read this.

A top 5 list of what you’re doing right, right now:

  1. If you’re reading this, you’re on your way to an inspiring life. Just taking small steps ends up affecting your life in a big way.
  2. You’ve taken risks. Yesterday, I made a big announcement on Twitter that my dream jobs were as a magazine columnist and a book author. I cringed as I clicked on send. But I did it. It was my way of proclaiming my dream. I took a risk and survived it. Congratulate yourself for even the some bits of discomfort you face!
  3. You’re doing the best you can. Life isn’t about perfection it’s about giving everything you can. Even if you’re sitting in a cubicle dreaming of your dream job, you’re doing what you can with what you have. Not everyone can quit a job they hate right away and that’s okay. Accepting your situation and who you are in the moment may be what you need to get through this moment to the moment of your dreams.
  4. You’ve already come so far. I think it takes a lot to get to a point where you can feel safe and comfortable enough to dream. Even a year ago, I never thought I could write for a living and although I’m still far from my goals, I’m closer than I’ve ever been before. Try to remember where you came from and celebrate your small victories every step of the way. You deserve it!
  5. You’ve kept going. Perseverance is a big thing in life. While others give up with the going gets tough, you’ve stuck through. And aren’t you glad you did? Even if all you’ve ever done is to hold onto that dream. You’ve done more than enough. When the time is right, you’ll have the courage and energy to go for it all! And when you do, let me know. We’ll celebrate that victory together!

A few words about this photo: I have extraordinarily long arms and no I’m not selling an ad for deodorant. I just finished a monstrous of a hike in Santorini and as you can see I was pretty excited.

April 7th, 2010

Joy Diet Week 4: Creativity

Ooooh, my favorite chapter! At least that’s what I was thinking when I turned to page 66, item #4. I’m all about creativity. In fact, I took O magazine’s quiz, “Who am I meant to be?” and scored highest in the category: Striving to be Creative. So forget nothing (chap 1), truth (2) and desire (3), now I would go straight to the head of the class. Creativity? Easy-peasy!

Could someone hit me over the head please? I forgot that I’m reading, “The Joy DIET.” I’m forgetting that bringing in joy means delving deep into your psyche, going past superficiality and shallow happiness, into the real meat that is true, authentic and raw emotion-real joy. Pass the tissue please.

If I had a temporary jolt of insanity, I was quickly reminded that Beck is a genius. Genius because she’s able to twist, shatter and turn my mind upside down. This week isn’t about buddying up with Martha Stewart and creating a spring floral arrangement, it’s about creativity in the sense of bringing life to our desires. Desires (in case you missed week 3) like writing a book, helping inspire others, etc. Or it could be less grand like, “I want to buy a bunny or take a trip to the beach.”

Ms. Beck says to first get past our long-held belief that talent and creativity are inborn, easy feats, that we are 100% responsible for and oftentimes doesn’t work. I L-O-V-E the part where she says this,” I’ve noticed that the biggest difference between wildly successful people and total failures is that the successful people fail more.” Then I think I’ve got a head start!

The next part asks us to ask ourselves how to get there. For example, “How can I write a self-help book?” Then, go crazy writing as much answers that come to mind, the nuttier the better, which is good because I have a mind filled with nutty answers. There were a few jewels in there too though like take a class and ask other authors.

When you’ve reached your limit, Beck says to dig in deeper and gives a bunch of creative (here’s where the mind-boggling started) ways to find more solutions. My all-time favorite is when she asks readers to think of an enemy, list their obnoxious traits and then (to get to your dreams) adopt them. Her thinking is that the reason why certain people really bug us is that they are mirrors reflecting what we haven’t accepted in ourselves. It could be a behavior that we were taught was bad or unacceptable and denying that part of us may be keeping us from getting to our dreams. Wild isn’t it?

At first, I just kind of scratched my head and sat there, mind-boggled and trying to let it all sink in. Then, I thought of someone who drives me crazy and had my ah-ha moment when I realized that selfish people were my pet peeve. And had a even bigger ah-ha when I suddenly got it! My whole life I’ve been taught to be selfless, but what’s been preventing me from following my dreams is a focus on not being selfish. I realized that being selfish isn’t necessarily a bad thing. In fact, according to it means, “devoted to or caring only for one’s self.” I think there are times when we all need to be selfish. I realized that how else would I get everything I desire if I’m not a little selfish. Funny how that works huh?

There are tons of gems in this chapter, but I wouldn’t want to ruin it for you. I hope you’ll pick up a book and join me. It’s not all hard gut-wrenching parts, there’s a ton of insight, wisdom and fun too!

March 24th, 2010

Guest Post: How I Found My Way to Green Careers

Well the day is finally here! I’ve been holding in my excitement for months now waiting until the day when I could feature this successful dreamer. After reading her 1998 book,”Seasons of Change : Using Nature’s Wisdom to Grow Through Life’s Inevitable Ups and Downs” I knew I had to feature her. Author of four books including her latest book, “Green Careers For Dummies, founder and executive director of her green career site, “Green Career Central, Carol McClelland, PhD, is a true inspiration! I’m happy to welcome her to 2inspired and am excited that she’s here. Read her story on what it took to get her to live the life of her dreams, green dreams that is, in the field of green careers.

Since 1991 I’ve worked with professionals in the midst of career transitions. My passion is helping mid-career professionals identify the work they love that matches their values and their lifestyle needs. Over time my work has taken different forms from one-on-one consulting, teaching career self-assessment courses at the local university, facilitating workshops and retreats, training other professionals to use my career programs with their own clients, and writing books, but the purpose of my work has always remained the same.

In 2007 I attended a book marketing conference in Los Angeles with a colleague. I was searching, trying to figure out my next step. Throughout the conference two themes caught my attention.

  1. Don’t wait to make a difference – do it now! – I’ve always known I wanted to contribute more to the environment in some way. I’d been waiting to act on this passion until…until when?
  2. Focus on ONE thing – Throughout my business I’ve always been torn between two topics – the career transition work I described above and helping people through major life transitions using nature and the seasons as the guiding metaphor. Finding the right balance and priorities for these two themes has been a constant source of confusion for me.

As I was trying to choose which ONE thing to focus on – my career work or my work with nature – I was torn. I didn’t want to give up either one. I don’t mind admitting it; I felt anxious, frustrated, and confused.

As the conference drew to an end, my colleague and I took some time to reflect on what we wanted to take away from the conference. I was describing my dilemma of choosing one of my passions over the other. Her first question was, what if you helped professionals find green careers?

I felt an immediate shock of recognition. It was as if all of my business choices and decisions over the years had prepared me for this next step in my business. This direction allowed me to focus on ONE target market while weaving my two passions together in a unique way. In addition the business would allow me to contribute to the state of the environment in a significant way.

Driving home to the Bay Area from Los Angeles gave me plenty of time to consider my new direction. Ideas were popping open like popcorn! Now, three years later, I’m still implementing ideas that came to me during that brainstorming session.

As I reflected on my decision to refocus my business on helping professionals find green careers, I was struck by how consistently “green” topics showed up throughout my life history: from the toys and books I loved as a child, to my favorite memories of family road trips to National Parts, to school projects I chose to work on. Later in life my passions, volunteer activities, and most poignant moments all relate to nature and the environment in some way.

I’m thrilled to be helping people discover their own passions and how they can use their passions and talents within the green economy.

Thanks SO much Carol! For more information on green jobs, you can visit Carol’s site Green Career Central. And if you’ve got any questions for Carol about green jobs and her book, Green Careers For Dummiesfeel free to leave them here. She kindly offered to check in throughout the day to comment and answer questions. Plus, those who leave a comment, tweet or share the story on Facebook today will get an entry to win Carol’s book. The winner will be announced on Monday. Good luck!

March 8th, 2010

First Hint of the Week…

Are you struggling to find “the one?”

The career that combines your passion for making a difference in the world?

Well, then you’ll definitely want to stay tuned and join us here at 2inspired on March 24th! I’ve been talking with the best in the biz and wanted to give you an early head’s up on something that’s going on that day. I’ll be giving you hints every week until then, but I hope you’ll stay tuned to read about a few inspiring stories along the way. First up, my story.

I started 2inspired over a year ago in October 2008. In all honesty, I was feeling uninspired. I was working at various jobs, floundering around without any direction.

I was lost. The way, I’m thinking you might be right now.

I had a dream, but it wasn’t a possibility at that time. I was still in the mindset of working to make money, kind of like the phrase, “eat to live,” not “live to eat.”

Fear drove my life.

Yet, I was slowly being pulled to do something more. I saw it in my attraction to reality shows and the Oprah show. I read it in books and magazines. And I felt it every time I met someone and heard their inspiring story.

Gradually, my outer life began to reflect my inner one. And I wanted a way to help motivate others to live greater than they had been living. That’s the story behind 2inspired.

I’ve been on this journey with you and will continue to provide stories that will uplift my spirit as well as yours. If you’re out there, leave a note and tell me where you are on this journey and where you want to go from here. I’m also open to hearing any feedback you have on 2inspired so far.

And remember to return every week for more hints and then on the 24th for the big surprise!

October 30th, 2009

Patience is Key

When the phone stops ringing and emails grow thin, do you take this time to reflect and refocus or panic out? Well I’m with you if you say yes to the former and no to the latter. It’s extremely difficult for me to keep positive with business gets slow. I go straight from worry to panic in 60 seconds.

But here’s what I realized. Being successful at your craft takes time. And you may need that time before things get busy again. The next time you’re waiting on anything, use the extra moments to reorganize your life.

The nervous energy actually helps me work faster and more efficiently. A few days this week I actually went through all of my invoices to figure out how much I have been making in the last month. This helped me to refocus my attention on my business and to spend my energy on the business aspect of freelancing that I had neglected while I was writing.

In the meantime while you’re working on one thing, the question you needed answered or that job you were waiting for will suddenly appear.

Rabbit patiently waiting for his treat

October 2nd, 2009

My Story

Open doorA friend asked me recently how I find the inspiring people I’ve interviewed here.  I think it’s really all about soul sisters Faith and Fate.  When I first started blogging in 2004, 5 years ago, I did it because the people I knew then were doing it.  Though I started writing since I was 6, I was a bit wary of going online and sharing my thoughts with the world.  But I did, eventually.

My first blog was all about me.  My personal thoughts about navigating my way through my twenties.  A newspaper editor who read it said I sounded like him when he was that age.  So yeah it was more of an online diary than anything else.

I later moved on to blogging professionally when I lucked out and scored a job at Tiny Prints, an online stationery store.  Although I didn’t know it at the time, my experience writing for them and their sister site Wedding Paper Divas would help catapult me into copywriting, web writing, blogging and ultimately the freelance writing world.

On an interview once, I received the most valuable advice ever from the interviewee.  He said, “I believe that whatever job we take now should be a stepping stone to what we really want to do in the future.”  For me this was a revelation.  Previously, I was job hopping without considering my dreams. From then on, I decided I was going to stop floating and get anchored in my writing.  Although I’ve taken the odd job here and there for money, I’ve still held on.

I might be only a pebble closer to my dreams but I’m comforted in knowing that at least I’m doing it.  I’m creating my own reality.  The people I’ve found on my journey came out of nowhere just because I opened myself up to possibility.  I’m actually on Martha Beck’s second book following, “Following Your Own North Star” called “Steering by Starlight.”  And it’s all about the magic that happens when you have the courage to life in.  I think too many people are scared of disappointment, afraid of not being worthy of their dreams.

The truth is.  The fact that we are here means that we’ve already encountered a life’s worth of struggle and hardship.  There’s a reason why we’ve had to endure it.  Everyone has a purpose in life.  Everyone has a dream.  Believe in yourself and know that what makes you unique is invaluable to the world.  Share your dreams with others and open the door to the possibility that life is a lot more magical than it seems.

I did.  And that’s the long winded answer to how I have so much amazing people on this blog to share their inspirational stories with.  How about you?  What’s your story?

July 6th, 2009

The "I'm Not Worthy" Syndrome

It was made funny by Dana Carvey in SNL’s favorite sketch “Wayne’s World,” but in reality feeling unworthy is anything but funny.  Whether it’s money, success or happiness that we’re fearing, why is it that we often deny ourselves what really want out of the fear that we’re unworthy of it?

Oftentimes when I’m hitting the online job ads, I automatically look for qualifications and skills that I don’t have versus what I do.  Somehow it’s an easy way for me to eliminate jobs.  Yet, even when I find gigs that I’m qualified for I tend to second guess myself.  And what’s left?  Jobs I’m overqualified for.  Sure those are easy to get, but they’re not so fun to maintain.  More importantly, they are most likely unchallenging and unworthy of you, your time, skills and energy.

So what’s the antidote to the I’m not worthy syndrome?  Take a shot of confidence, a dose of courage and a drop of hope and then take a deep breath and do it anyway.  The thing is that even the most successful person you admire didn’t start off that way.  Everyone experiences that moment when they doubt who they are and if they can really make it.  

The difference between them and us?  They took a chance and believed that they could.  So the next time you feel insecure, unsure and unworthy, remember this one thing: pretend that you are already the person you’ve always wanted to be.  Imagine you are successful, amazing, and totally worthy.  Chances are, you already are!


June 27th, 2009

Risk it all to have it all

Life is scary. Life can be hard. And from what we do know, it doesn’t get any easier. So why do we do it? Why do we take risks, make that leap, dive into the unknown?

Simple. Because it’s worth it.

And it’s worth it not because it’s important to others or because of what it brings to us.  Money, prestige, awards, fame are all seemingly nice rewards for a job well done.  But the real thrill is “swallowing that jagged pill” because we are human and we can.

Life working in the cube was predictable, stable and comfortable.  But it was also boring, mind-numbing and unchallenging.  It took away all the great gifts we are endowed with being human.  There was no emotion involved, no fear of rejection, nor test of our worth.  In essence, it taught me what it would be like to be a computer.

While steady pay is always a great thing, it’s also important to remember who we are.  We’re built to be tough, to withstand hardship, to learn from our mistakes, and grow as individuals.  

This experience has taught me that no matter how scary it is to dive into the real world, I’d much rather take that risk then to deny myself the experience of being human.

Life is short.  And in the end, what will be the things we regret or wished we did?  The next time you’re faced with a challenge, remember that you’re already equipped to deal with it.  Take a chance and you will be rewarded.  Not with riches, prestige and fame (which may or may not come) but with the feeling of confidence that you can do anything and be anyone.  And that my friends, is a reward that is truly priceless.

Taking a Risk

June 22nd, 2009

Hearing Voices: How to Tell Which One You Should Be Listening to

RomeSometimes I hear voices in my head and no I’m not psychotic.  Listen up cause you might be hearing them too.  They’re the voices that tell you what to do.  But I’m not talking devil on one shoulder and angel on the other (although they might look like that to you).

I’m actually talking about the voices that sound like this, “What makes you think you’re talented enough?” versus “You need to go for it now!”  They both may sound like your voice but they definitely have different personalities.  Let me explain.

When you have a strong inclination to do something whether it’s to quit a job or leave a relationship, the voice is bold, confident and all-knowing.  It’s like the side of you that’s not afraid of anything, that truly believes in yourself, that is unwavering.  

However, there’s another side that often comes out when we try to follow our dreams.  It’s the voice that’s a bit shaky, anxious and desperate that says, “Don’t do it” out of fear.  Fear of the unknown.  Fear that we’re not good enough.  Fear that we don’t have what it takes, so why even try.  It’s this guy, small, insecure and powerless that tends to end up with all the power because we often let it.  We give in to our fear and ignore our instincts and eventually he runs our lives.

There’s another alternative, however.  I’ve learned that whatever voice you begin listening to, the stronger that voice becomes.  If you continue to question yourself, allow doubt and fear to control your decision, the easier it will be for fear to creep into your life.  On the other hand, when you face that fear, go with your instincts and listen to that voice, the easier it will be to follow your dreams and your heart.

So the next time you’re faced with a difficult decision or a fork in a road, remember to tune into who’s talking.  Then, make a conscious decision to listen to the voice that’ll lead you to your dreams.

June 16th, 2009

Oh No! I'm George!

While in a feverish state, I heard familiar voices coming from the television.  No I wasn’t hallucinating.  It was episode 7 of Seinfeld, the one where George quits his job in reaction to his boss’s memo asking him not to use his private bathroom.  George explains to Jerry, “I snapped! It was the last straw.”

Although initially he felt pretty confident about his decision to quit, he later doubts what he did when Jerry asks,”So, what are you gonna do now?”  As his anger dissipates, his fear begins to rise.  Now what’s he going to do with his life?  

Of course in true George Costanza fashion, he starts backpedaling and ends up trying to go back the job he hated.  Humorous for him, not so funny for us.  

Even though few would admit, many of us suffer from the same fate.  Not out of need for money but fear that we won’t find what we’re looking for.  Whether it’s a job or a relationship, sometimes we’d rather be in it just for the sake of having something or someone cause the unknown seems a whole lot scarier.

I say if we could only wait a little longer, hold on, have faith, we might end up finding exactly what we’re looking for.  But the longer we remain grasping whatever is “enough for now,” the harder it’ll be for that great ____ (add house, husband, job, etc. here) to find room in our lives.

 The only way to get to that gold at the end of the rainbow?  Embrace your inner strength.  Face that fear and learn to be without, at least for a little while.  It’s a surefire way you won’t end up being another George Costanza!

For you Seinfeld fans, here’s extras on the episode aptly titled, “The Revenge.”