Posts tagged ‘Freelance writer’

November 17th, 2009

Successful Dreamer: Annabel Candy

Successful DreamerI believe things happen for a reason and my recent run in with inspiring blogger Annabel Candy is a good example of that. Call it synchronicity. Call it a god wink. Call it mere coincidence. What I know for sure is that finding Candy was sweet synergy to me.

I first spotted her on Problogger. She was a guest blogger, posting the popular, “Getting Over the Blogger’s 6 Month Itch.” I was so intrigued that I ventured over to her site Get in the Hot Spot to check it out. When I discovered that her mission was to help others follow their dreams, I was sold. That’s why I’m thrilled to feature here as this week’s Successful Dreamer! I hope that you’ll be as inspired by Annabel as I was by her. So without further ado, please welcome inspiring writer and world traveler, Annabel Candy.

Where’d you get that fabulously creative name for your blog Get in the Hot Spot?

I set the blog up to put myself ‘in the hot spot’ and force myself to write, so the name came from that idea. But there are a few other meanings of ‘hot spot’ that fit nicely too.

A hot spot’s a lively, active place and I want my blog to be a fun, informative centre for personal development with the focus on helping people achieve their dreams.

My personal dream involves travel and a lot of my readers also want to travel, yearning for warmer climates and exotic places. Get In the Hot Spot is a place where people can come to dream, to learn how to start working towards their dreams and to stay motivated. The idea is that me and the readers each enjoy living in our own personal hot spot.

Give us bit of info about your blog. What was your original purpose for writing it and where do you see it going in the future?

The aim has changed. At first I did it to get myself to write. That worked.

Then I decided to see if I could get 1000 subscribers to convince a publisher I had a readership and get my manuscript published. But I had more fun writing the blog than the manuscript!

I’m still working towards getting 1000 subscribers in a year but I have until March 2010 to achieve it. If that works the next challenge will be to see if I can make money out of my blog because that way I can carry on writing it without my husband complaining that I spend too much time on it:)

I’d love to keep getting more readers and help more people to start working towards living their dream.

What is one of the most important things you’ve learned on your journey to follow your dreams?

If you don’t follow your dreams you won’t be happy. If they don’t work out it won’t matter, you’ll be glad you tried and good will still come from that. For me true happiness lies in following our secret dreams, no matter how big, small or silly they are.

Can you describe a huge hurdle in your life and how you tackled it?

I can think of three big hurdles:
Doing an MA in Design for Interactive Media when I didn’t even know how to turn on a computer was hard.
Giving birth to an 11lb baby at home was hard.
Travelling round Central America with three kids aged 1, 5 and 8 was hard.

But I love to take on challenges. I get stuck in and do it. The hard part doesn’t last long when you look back and the final rewards are brilliant.

When you set yourself a challenge and do it you end up feeling as if you’ve conquered Everest. It’s a real confidence booster that makes you think you can do anything. It gives you a winning attitude which encourages you to challenge yourself more.

Have you ever doubted your ability to be a full-time writer? How have you managed to overcome this fear?

Yes! All the time. I think a lot of writers do.

The only way to overcome doubt or fear is to face it. So I wrote and shared my writing then I got some positive feedback and that persuaded me to carry on.

Like most things writing takes practice. Now I write daily my writing is faster and hopefully it’s getting better too.

What is one advice you wished someone had told you about pursuing your passion and following your dreams?

Go for it. My parents warning me not to become a writer because it was “too competitive”. I want to encourage my kids to do what they love and try things out for themselves. You have to learn by experience.

What do you love best about your job as a full-time blogger?

Two things. When you get a new idea for a post – the aha moment is great.

And I love reading comments from people thanking me for inspiring me and helping them. That’s why I write so it’s great to know when I’ve achieved my goal.

Thank you Annabel for your words of wisdom and inspiration!  Please visit Annabel’s website Get in the Hot Spot 2 be inspired. She would love to hear from you and is open to questions and to assist readers looking to pursue their dreams.

October 2nd, 2009

My Story

Open doorA friend asked me recently how I find the inspiring people I’ve interviewed here.  I think it’s really all about soul sisters Faith and Fate.  When I first started blogging in 2004, 5 years ago, I did it because the people I knew then were doing it.  Though I started writing since I was 6, I was a bit wary of going online and sharing my thoughts with the world.  But I did, eventually.

My first blog was all about me.  My personal thoughts about navigating my way through my twenties.  A newspaper editor who read it said I sounded like him when he was that age.  So yeah it was more of an online diary than anything else.

I later moved on to blogging professionally when I lucked out and scored a job at Tiny Prints, an online stationery store.  Although I didn’t know it at the time, my experience writing for them and their sister site Wedding Paper Divas would help catapult me into copywriting, web writing, blogging and ultimately the freelance writing world.

On an interview once, I received the most valuable advice ever from the interviewee.  He said, “I believe that whatever job we take now should be a stepping stone to what we really want to do in the future.”  For me this was a revelation.  Previously, I was job hopping without considering my dreams. From then on, I decided I was going to stop floating and get anchored in my writing.  Although I’ve taken the odd job here and there for money, I’ve still held on.

I might be only a pebble closer to my dreams but I’m comforted in knowing that at least I’m doing it.  I’m creating my own reality.  The people I’ve found on my journey came out of nowhere just because I opened myself up to possibility.  I’m actually on Martha Beck’s second book following, “Following Your Own North Star” called “Steering by Starlight.”  And it’s all about the magic that happens when you have the courage to life in.  I think too many people are scared of disappointment, afraid of not being worthy of their dreams.

The truth is.  The fact that we are here means that we’ve already encountered a life’s worth of struggle and hardship.  There’s a reason why we’ve had to endure it.  Everyone has a purpose in life.  Everyone has a dream.  Believe in yourself and know that what makes you unique is invaluable to the world.  Share your dreams with others and open the door to the possibility that life is a lot more magical than it seems.

I did.  And that’s the long winded answer to how I have so much amazing people on this blog to share their inspirational stories with.  How about you?  What’s your story?

June 20th, 2009

The Yes Man

I watched Jim Carrey’s, “Yes Man” on DVD the other night and my husband and I agreed it was pretty good.  Not for Carrey’s predictably unpredictable antics or the story’s plot but because it reminded us that anything is possible when you say “yes” to possibility and opportunity.  It kind of got me thinking about my own life and the repercussions of saying “yes” to the unknown.

Take for example my dream career.  I’ve always wanted to be a writer and a copywriter since I first saw “Bewitched” on Nick at Nite.  Darren’s job seemed intriguing and I remember creating my own portfolio of commercials and jingles as a kid.  Then life happened and I tucked away that dream.

But recently, I’ve been on the road to follow that path again and slowly but surely have made my way to that pot of gold.  It started when I applied for random non-paying writing internships hoping that the experience would pay for itself.  I ended up scoring a summer internship for an eco-friendly website.  I was stoked!  I got the position everyone else was jonesing for.  

I took the job seriously writing about how to be eco-friendly at work and throwing clothes-swapping parties.  But then, I hit another brick wall.  I submitted all this great stuff and then I never heard from the editor again.

That was a few years ago.  Since then, I actually got a job as a copywriter but later realized it wasn’t the dream career I thought it was.  I began writing in this blog hoping I’d eventually figure it out.  

This year, I became more aggressive in my job search and started marketing myself online and researching possible publications even ones that weren’t obviously hiring.  I also began reading relevant books, and online resources to give me info on how to become a freelance writer.

One book, “Finding Your North Star” by Martha Beck really started the ball rolling.  Beck says that when you begin listening to yourself and what moves you rather than do what you think you’re supposed to do, you will find your true calling.  That’s how I ended up here writing an article for an eco-friendly magazine that I applied to.  

Here’s what happened.  On Friday, I decided what I really wanted to do was take another day to rest from the flu.  Boy am I glad I did because that same day I received an email at 5:40 am asking me to write an article for that same eco-friendly magazine and finish it in 2 days!

It was an exciting venture one that I believe is propelling me on to more opportunities.  Although this recent one has left me breathless with excitement and fear, I know that I still have a long road ahead of me.  Because once we get our dreams, we have to commit to all the things it comes with, the fears, challenges and possibilities.  It is worth it, however.  And hard to believe it all started because I had the courage to say, “Yes I believe!”


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