Archive for ‘Life’

May 19th, 2009

Endings Breed New Beginnings

1 fort mason at night 003The last episode of one of my favorite TV shows “Scrubs” came to its final end recently.  I was oh so sad to see this comedy show say its good-byes and it was a reminder to me about how hard it is to let things go.  And it doesn’t have to be the big goodbyes that are the hardest. Whether we are saying goodbye to a TV show or a friend, ends are hard because it is an awakening of consciousness that life is short with its own inevitable finale.  Some of us avoid ends like the plague by resorting to isolation, not connecting with others, or just by resisting change. I know I’ve been guilty of all three at least once in my life.  So how do we learn to accept endings in the most graceful, beneficial way possible?  By first grieving the lost of whatever that end brings.  Whether it is a saying goodbye to your single self or to your married one, it’s important to fully respect what that ending means to you and represents in your life.  The main thing to know is that change will come no matter how hard we try to avoid it.  But when we can have the courage to accept it, that’s when we gain the most benefit for ourselves and for others.  

The best thing about endings?  There’s always a new beginning around the corner.  Saying goodbye to your older self, means that there is a new you waiting to bloom.  And isn’t that what self-growth is all about?  Facing the tough growing pains in order to be a stronger, more authentic you?  Though no one voluntarily wants to feel pain, it’s comforting to know that through dealing with it, there is a beautiful light at the dark end of the tunnel.  And it’s called hope.  Hope for being a better, stronger, more compassionate and authentic you.  It’s a lot like the quote by Robertson Davies that I received today from,

“Extraordinary people survive under the most terrible circumstances and they become more extraordinary because of it.”