Feeling the Fear and Doing It Anyway

If you had the opportunity, would you do something you feared most? As I’m writing this, my stomach is in knots, turning like I’m sailing out to sea not sitting comfortably in my chair. Yet, I’m considering doing it.

There have been many times in my life when I had the chance to risk something great (like my pride) for something greater (self-confidence). Like the time I took a job giving speeches to hundreds of people even though the feeling of eyes staring back at me turns my cheeks hot and I hate talking in a group of 5 let alone 200. Yet, I did it anyway.

There were times in my life when I let fear wash over me. Like when I was 6 years old and I chickened out at my grandparent’s surprise wedding anniversary. I practiced my speech for days. I can still see the index cards in my sweaty hands. At the end I was supposed to sing Kermit’s, “Rainbow Connection” while my cousins played the piano and ukulele. I got to the mike and my voice failed me. My mom took me by the hand and I left the stage in defeat. I’ll never forget that moment.

Then there was the time I took an F for my elementary school class project because I was too afraid to give my presentation. I spent weeks planning for it and when the teacher called my name, I looked the other way.

Tonight I’m faced with another one of my greatest fears to risk being made a fool of on national TV. Yet, I’m going to do it anyway.

You might think I’m crazy or foolish. Who wants to stand out like sore thumb while people take cheap shots at me? You know what? I do. I want to do it not because I’m a masochist, but because I believe I’ll get something even bigger for the experience. The chance to stare fear down and do it anyway.

One point for the fearless fool, zero for the fear.

4 Responses to “Feeling the Fear and Doing It Anyway”

  1. On national TV? Well done. That’s a brave step. I’m just plucking up courage to put a video of myself on my blog so can’t contemplate how scary going on TV would be!

    Hope it went well and look forward to hearing all about it:)

  2. Good luck! Hope it goes well!

  3. Thanks guys! Will tell you all after it’s done. I’m crossing my fingers that it goes well. =)

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