Posts tagged ‘Following dreams’

May 6th, 2010

Fulfillment of Wishes

That’s the angel card I picked today. And it was spine-tinglingly true! Several months ago I created a wish board. Actually you may have seen the newer version. One of the things on it was a blue Nissan Altima.

I’ve been needing a car for about a year now. My old black 200sx was pushing its limits at over 100,000 miles and leaking oil. There just didn’t seem to be the time to look for one or the money to fund it. Then, this past weekend my husband and I finally went car shopping.

You might have already guessed. But there it was-a blue Nissan Altima. Just the one I had been dreaming about for months. It was above our budget so I thought it just wasn’t the right time or the right one. But I got coerced to staying at the dealers for 5 hours! Five hours of negotiating my dream car. I don’t know where the energy came from, but I was able to bring down the price of the vehicle thousands of dollars below its Kelley Blue Book value. After we left, I was hungry, tired and lost my voice, but I did it! I negotiated my way to getting my dream car.

This isn’t a story about material gain. Actually I think the car represents something more important-self-empowerment. Now every time I open the door and get into it, I am reminded that dreams can come true. I’m reminded that I am strong enough to get what I want. And that like Oprah Winfrey once said, “Your home should rise up to meet you,” my car is now doing the same.

Hence, the reason why the car was so appropriate. It brought me hope and reminded me that you really can create your own destiny. And that what you think your worth is represented in the decisions you make, as well as the people and the opportunities that you draw into your life.

It may sound corny, but believe in yourself and your dreams really do come true!

January 6th, 2010

Jealousy's Not Such a Monster After All

My ego went a bit crazy today when I wasn’t looking. A friend’s good news sent me in a downward spiral of self-doubt and anguish.

This unnerving reaction of why not me instead of good, happy feelings for them was a good wake up call. I quickly realized this had nothing to do with my friend, their dreams or my failures and everything to do with my own self-acceptance of an unconventional dream.

Then I started thinking:

Should we feel less than if are dreams and goals fit into a different mold from society’s expectations?

That is, if we’re not married by 28, with kids by 30 and at the top of our career at 35, does that somehow make our lives less meaningful than the every man?

I don’t think so. But it took a good dose of talking to my ego to realize something greater was going on. As Martha Beck says in Steering by Starlight,”When something ‘terrible’ is happening to us (from a ‘shallows’ perspective) something wonderful is always being born from the Stargazer’s perspective.”

I think the incident reminded me of the importance of staying true to myself and my life instead of jumping on the bandwagon with only a linear goal. Life is full of possibilities. I don’t need to limit my choices to a A + B = C formula. Unless, of course, I wanted to.

Think of it this way. What would our world be like minus world shifters like Oprah and Walt Disney? Every being’s purpose is different. Some grander than others. I know that I can’t live an authentic life by living small or living the life my family, friends, or society want for me. Big or small, one thing I’ve learned is that living a safe, unconventional life doesn’t serve any of us, least of all the world.

November 30th, 2009

Feeling the Fear and Doing It Anyway

If you had the opportunity, would you do something you feared most? As I’m writing this, my stomach is in knots, turning like I’m sailing out to sea not sitting comfortably in my chair. Yet, I’m considering doing it.

There have been many times in my life when I had the chance to risk something great (like my pride) for something greater (self-confidence). Like the time I took a job giving speeches to hundreds of people even though the feeling of eyes staring back at me turns my cheeks hot and I hate talking in a group of 5 let alone 200. Yet, I did it anyway.

There were times in my life when I let fear wash over me. Like when I was 6 years old and I chickened out at my grandparent’s surprise wedding anniversary. I practiced my speech for days. I can still see the index cards in my sweaty hands. At the end I was supposed to sing Kermit’s, “Rainbow Connection” while my cousins played the piano and ukulele. I got to the mike and my voice failed me. My mom took me by the hand and I left the stage in defeat. I’ll never forget that moment.

Then there was the time I took an F for my elementary school class project because I was too afraid to give my presentation. I spent weeks planning for it and when the teacher called my name, I looked the other way.

Tonight I’m faced with another one of my greatest fears to risk being made a fool of on national TV. Yet, I’m going to do it anyway.

You might think I’m crazy or foolish. Who wants to stand out like sore thumb while people take cheap shots at me? You know what? I do. I want to do it not because I’m a masochist, but because I believe I’ll get something even bigger for the experience. The chance to stare fear down and do it anyway.

One point for the fearless fool, zero for the fear.

July 29th, 2009

Saying Yay to the Naysayers!

I just finished watching a very inspirational documentary on PBS aptly titled, “Following Dreams.” Part of what moved me was the fact that it followed 8 people of various ages and aspirations, on pursuit of their dreams. 

The thing is, taking the step to fulfill your dreams can bring out the worst in others. It’s kind of like that piece of hair that drives people nuts because they can’t get down. You want to stand out and that makes the ones that stay down with everyone else, uncomfortable. Like one woman from the program says, “When you believe in something, you can get a lot of negativity around you.”

That’s why it was comforting to see that I wasn’t the only one. That there is a band of dreamers like me who would like to scream, “Yes we can!” to those naysayers. And if you are reading this and in the same boat as me, know that you too are not alone. There are many of us searching, struggling, and doing everything we can to fulfill our dreams. Let’s support each other on the journey and remember to be positive and compassionate to those who are struggling too.

The road is not easy. It’s windy, bumpy, scary, unpredictable and there are no guarantees that you’ll come out alive. But on the other hand, if you take this road, you’ve got a great shot at happiness.
