Posts tagged ‘Dream Career’

June 22nd, 2009

Hearing Voices: How to Tell Which One You Should Be Listening to

RomeSometimes I hear voices in my head and no I’m not psychotic.  Listen up cause you might be hearing them too.  They’re the voices that tell you what to do.  But I’m not talking devil on one shoulder and angel on the other (although they might look like that to you).

I’m actually talking about the voices that sound like this, “What makes you think you’re talented enough?” versus “You need to go for it now!”  They both may sound like your voice but they definitely have different personalities.  Let me explain.

When you have a strong inclination to do something whether it’s to quit a job or leave a relationship, the voice is bold, confident and all-knowing.  It’s like the side of you that’s not afraid of anything, that truly believes in yourself, that is unwavering.  

However, there’s another side that often comes out when we try to follow our dreams.  It’s the voice that’s a bit shaky, anxious and desperate that says, “Don’t do it” out of fear.  Fear of the unknown.  Fear that we’re not good enough.  Fear that we don’t have what it takes, so why even try.  It’s this guy, small, insecure and powerless that tends to end up with all the power because we often let it.  We give in to our fear and ignore our instincts and eventually he runs our lives.

There’s another alternative, however.  I’ve learned that whatever voice you begin listening to, the stronger that voice becomes.  If you continue to question yourself, allow doubt and fear to control your decision, the easier it will be for fear to creep into your life.  On the other hand, when you face that fear, go with your instincts and listen to that voice, the easier it will be to follow your dreams and your heart.

So the next time you’re faced with a difficult decision or a fork in a road, remember to tune into who’s talking.  Then, make a conscious decision to listen to the voice that’ll lead you to your dreams.

June 20th, 2009

The Yes Man

I watched Jim Carrey’s, “Yes Man” on DVD the other night and my husband and I agreed it was pretty good.  Not for Carrey’s predictably unpredictable antics or the story’s plot but because it reminded us that anything is possible when you say “yes” to possibility and opportunity.  It kind of got me thinking about my own life and the repercussions of saying “yes” to the unknown.

Take for example my dream career.  I’ve always wanted to be a writer and a copywriter since I first saw “Bewitched” on Nick at Nite.  Darren’s job seemed intriguing and I remember creating my own portfolio of commercials and jingles as a kid.  Then life happened and I tucked away that dream.

But recently, I’ve been on the road to follow that path again and slowly but surely have made my way to that pot of gold.  It started when I applied for random non-paying writing internships hoping that the experience would pay for itself.  I ended up scoring a summer internship for an eco-friendly website.  I was stoked!  I got the position everyone else was jonesing for.  

I took the job seriously writing about how to be eco-friendly at work and throwing clothes-swapping parties.  But then, I hit another brick wall.  I submitted all this great stuff and then I never heard from the editor again.

That was a few years ago.  Since then, I actually got a job as a copywriter but later realized it wasn’t the dream career I thought it was.  I began writing in this blog hoping I’d eventually figure it out.  

This year, I became more aggressive in my job search and started marketing myself online and researching possible publications even ones that weren’t obviously hiring.  I also began reading relevant books, and online resources to give me info on how to become a freelance writer.

One book, “Finding Your North Star” by Martha Beck really started the ball rolling.  Beck says that when you begin listening to yourself and what moves you rather than do what you think you’re supposed to do, you will find your true calling.  That’s how I ended up here writing an article for an eco-friendly magazine that I applied to.  

Here’s what happened.  On Friday, I decided what I really wanted to do was take another day to rest from the flu.  Boy am I glad I did because that same day I received an email at 5:40 am asking me to write an article for that same eco-friendly magazine and finish it in 2 days!

It was an exciting venture one that I believe is propelling me on to more opportunities.  Although this recent one has left me breathless with excitement and fear, I know that I still have a long road ahead of me.  Because once we get our dreams, we have to commit to all the things it comes with, the fears, challenges and possibilities.  It is worth it, however.  And hard to believe it all started because I had the courage to say, “Yes I believe!”


Find yourself in a similar situation? Share your thoughts and experience by leaving a comment. And don’t forget to subscribe here if you like what you see.

June 11th, 2009

Blissful Dream or Perfect Nightmare? You Get to Decide!

When my 9 to 5 is quickly putting me in humdrum mode, I dream about what I would do if I could do anything.  Sometimes I’m Carrie Bradshaw typing away on my Apple laptop and having lunches with friends and other times I envision working at a magazine.  Have you ever let your inner child loose too and imagined what it would be like if you could live the life of your wildest fantasies?  

If you have, I bet you never thought that you could actually make that dream come true.  And I’m talking everything from a chocolatier to a TV Producer.  “If you dream it, they will come.”

There’s a company called, “Vocation Vacations” that let you test-drive your dream job for one to three days.  This way you can actually make your dreams come true, experience the job for yourself and in the eyes of a mentor and then decide if it’s still a fantasy or a nightmare.

The downside?  The price is a bit steep ranging from $549-1199.  However, this might be worth the investment if it saves you time and money and furthers your decision to follow your dreams.  Check out their website for more info.