Posts tagged ‘How to get to your dreams’

July 14th, 2010

Feeling like Charlie Brown? Turn Mr. Brown’s Frown Upside Down

Before I get into this post, I have to thank you guys for being so diligent and loyal. Somehow you manage to find me here on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and at not2shabby on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays.

How do I know?

My stats look like a roller coaster ride with lots of steep dips on the days I’m not here and huge climbs when I am. So thanks!

Okay back to my original scheduled post…

What to Do When Discouragement Hits

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May 24th, 2010

Be the Super Hero in Your Own Comic Book Life

As I was driving around today, I thought about how neat it would be if our lives were like the movies. Then upon thinking about it further, I realized our lives are like the movies!

Although you may not realize it, you’re the protagonist in the story of your own life.

There’s tons of obstacles in your way. Villains lurking in every corner. Burning bridges you must avoid and challenges you need to overcome along the way.

So here they are.

I’ve compiled a list of your 5 worst enemies and the strategies you’ll need to battle them and win.

  1. The Party Pooper – Dressed in all black this enemy is as harmless as Eeyore unless you let him get to you. His weapon? His droopy eyes like Puss in Boots in Shrek. Whenever you’re up, he’s down. Combat his sad demeanor by minimizing time with him and never talk to him about your superhero strengths.
  2. The Grey Shadow – Party Pooper’s evil twin sister, the Grey Shadow fights skillfully with her sharp tongue. On days when you feel filled with self-doubt, avoid your archenemy at all cost. She will find your weak spot and dive daggers into your soul. You’ll start to wonder why you even tried to be a super hero in the first place.
  3. Evil Mirror –  Sometimes your worst enemy is the person looking back at you in the mirror. Their weapon? Your insecurities. When Evil Mirror comes lurking, pull out your own weapons: affirmations, positive statements, and your sidekick supportive friend to help.
  4. Big Bully – You leap tall buildings in a single bound. When you get down, Big Bully pushes you and calls you a freak. Never befriend a Big Bully. In fact, the less energy and attention you give him the better. Soon he’ll lose interest and find another super hero to attack.
  5. Two Headed Monster – On some days, he’s your best friend. He compliments your superhero strengths. Makes you feel like the king of the mountain. Then, in one single swoop he finds you when you’re most vulnerable and attacks. The best way to win this battle? Don’t hang around for either. Don’t be dependent on others statements about you. Instead, empower yourself and let those words slide right off your fancy schmancy superhero cape.

These are just 5 of your enemies. There are some that still haven’t revealed themselves to you. The further you go to empower yourself, the more enemies will appear. Be strong! Never forget your mission (to accomplish your dreams) and always remember to take care of your super hero self!

Photo by: the Sofa

May 18th, 2010

A Few Inspiring Notes

I’ve been hearing a few inspiring quotes a little over here and a little over there.

Here’s a few tidbits I’ve been learning about that I wanted to share with you here:

A few posts ago I talked about Oprah’s recent episode on, “Women, Food and God.” Something else she said really shook me to the core. She talked about how she still struggles with being a people pleaser. That no matter how successful/powerful/wealthy she is, whenever she has to say, “No” to someone, a part of her is afraid inside. It brought her back to a time when she was beaten by her grandmother and was not only forbidden to fight back, but to express her pain. Oprah said every time she is put in a situation where she has to say no, she is reminded of that. She doesn’t just feel bad about doing so, but in that moment she feels like she is a child, a child who will be annihilated.

I wonder how much of us quench our passions and suffocate our desires because as children we were not given a voice or the ability to express our needs. I wonder how much of our dreams are put on hold because of it. How much of who we are and who we aspire to be gets passed up because of someone told us we can’t do it.

Dealing with past fears isn’t something you can do alone. If you’re on a path towards your dreams, but feel stuck, afraid, and uncertain, don’t stop now, keep going. Seek professional help if you need to. You will get there. You just need the support, self-compassion and the help to do it!

If you need some extra motivation, has a great article with advice from 8 top coaches.