Posts tagged ‘Facing the unknown’

October 14th, 2009

Sacrifice, Sweat & Sweet Surrender

The S words I’m quite familiar with as a wannabe writer.  Here’s the rocky road of one dream pursuer.  It’s not always easy.  In the November 2009 issue of O, Oprah says, “What has made me successful is the ability to surrender my plans, dreams, and goals to a power that’s greater than other people and greater than myself.”

The hard part of that beautiful quote is the surrender part.  Surrendering to what is and the possibility of what life can be is in great contrast to the shallow and often shaky dreams we believe will make us happy.  What I’m learning on this very unpredictable and sometimes heartbreaking path is that success is another falsitude.  If I’m dependent on external sources, positive feedback, and even job offers to make me believe that I’m healthy, wealthy and wise, then that happiness will be short-lived.

What an invaluable lesson that is.  It is worth it’s wait in unpaid credit card bills, dreams of home ownership, and frequent trips abroad.

Here’s what’s key:  There is a big, gigantic even, purpose waiting for all of us.  We are here for a reason.  There is much truth in what Oprah says.  Maybe if we let go of the dream we think we need to be happy, we can surrender to and embrace a bigger dream.

I’m learning to not base my self-worth on the feedback I get from the outside world, which is a hard feat for a writer. But I also realized the harm that it does not only on myself, but on my future self.  To get from here to where I want to be, I need to learn how to accept every moment-even if it’s a moment I’d rather not be experiencing.

The result? I feel a whole lot lighter, more hopeful and positive about the future and willing to let life play out for itself.  I’m still working as hard as ever but also realizing that I don’t need positive responses to feel positive as a writer.

Happy Face

June 5th, 2009

Giving It All Up Ain't So Bad

You know the saying, “One door opens as another one closes,” or “let go and let God?” In the moment of surrender, our once empty hands often become filled with a life better than we had planned. Yet, in moments of despair all we want to do is hold on tight, grasping anything and everything around us.

When there is nothing visible in front of us, we can either blindly and courageously take the next step or we can turn around and return to the path we’ve already crossed. Each step either gets us that much closer to our goals or that much further away.

Recently, I spoke to a friend who decided to finally let go of a job that was holding her back. Although she was applying to other positions left and right, it was only after she made up her mind to resign from the former position, that a better offer came along.

I’ve heard this story multiple times before. It’s the story of how when Oprah finally surrendered and let go of her expectations to be in The Color Purple, that she scored the role.  Or how a guest on her show said he “gave up” on his dream that Oprah would see his performance in Chicago and then Gayle King showed up instead.

Sometimes the right decision is the one that is the scariest, that pulls us uncomfortably out of our comfort zones and face our own insecurities and self-doubt. Only when we let go, surrender and have faith will that unseen force materialize supporting our next step towards our dreams.


May 16th, 2009

Faith Keeps One Foot in Front of the Other


I had a lightbulb moment when I realized that ALL people regardless of social status and class, go through moments of uncertainty.  

Though it’s easy to get lost in the familiar tunes of “woe is me,” it also doesn’t really suit your cause.  If your cause is to fulfill your dreams.  I just got this a few days ago as I was typing away thinking about how that BIG space in front of me that points to my future was still empty and I still didn’t understand how I would get from where I was standing to where I wanted to be.  I started to fantasize about all of the successful people in my life and the ones on TV and thought about how they were so lucky that they had life figured out and didn’t need to think about these things like me.  And then it hit me!  They still had challenges like everyone else but maybe that mountain in front of them is that much bigger because they had already climbed all those bunny slopes before then.  What a wake up call that was.  

I thought about Oprah’s story the one that she tells of not knowing whether she could make it on TV and the funny moment when she pronounced Canada CON-YA-DA and started laughing live on camera.  That’s when they put her on a morning talking show and in an instance she knew that that’s what she was meant to do.  It reminds me a lot of hiking.  When you see that mountain up ahead, sometimes it’s hard to struggle and put in the effort especially when there are days you doubt whether you’ll make it.  But I realized that all you need to do when your in moments of self-doubt and uncertainty, is do what Finding Nemo’s Dory says, “Just keep swimming…” and somehow that blank empty space in front of you will transform into steps, tiny at first, but then it’ll become clearer and more certain and soon you’ll be there-right at your goal!