Posts tagged ‘Ways to be happy’

June 28th, 2010

Monday Made Musical

It’s Monday. Do you know where your inspiration is? If it’s hiding under a rock and you’re feeling anything, but inspired, take note. I’ve found a way to add a little inspiration to Mondays to make it, well just a little less difficult. My solution to the Monday blues? Music. Inspirational music, that is.

Here is my playlist of songs to get you motivated, dream BIG and get back on course so that the rest of your week will be joyful, fulfilling and inspiring. P.S. Make sure to share some of your favorite inspirational songs too! I’m always looking for inspiring new songs to add to my iPod.

Colbie Caillat Don’t Hold Me Down

If you’re struggling to be positive and happy among negative and critical people, this is a sunny song to empower you to keep going, be strong, and follow your own path.

Avril Lavigne Tomorrow

For a really tough Monday. The kind of Monday filled with sorrow, grief and uncertainty. It’s good to remember that you can try again tomorrow. Aren’t we grateful for that?

Jason Mraz The Remedy

The world getting you worried? Your dreams getting you stressed? What’s the solution? The remedy is this uplifting ditty.

Alicia Keys Superwoman

Trying your best to be a friend, mom, sister, niece, employee, daughter, while still being the best “you” possible? Feel empowered in this soulful song and remember how powerful/strong you already are.

Corinne Bailey Rae Put Your Records On

Another fun, summery song, that sings about hope, relaxing, dreaming and not worrying.

Five for Fighting The Riddle

This song always puts life in perspective to me. Maybe we don’t have the biggest house or car or the best clothes/bags/shoes out there. But the most important thing in life are hidden in the riddle of this song: love.

Natashia Bedingfield Unwritten

If you’re still not sure what you’re purpose in life is, feel free and alive with this inspiring song. It’s all about hope, purpose and the possibility of life itself.

Alicia Keys and Bono Don’t Give Up

Failing, making mistakes, being rejected. Those are hard things to swallow. But I’m a firm believer that those difficulties are opportunities waiting to be taken. Sometimes we’re right on the edge of solving that problem, discovering our purpose, passing that test. We just need to keep going, pass those hurdles to get to the other side. This song will encourage you to keep pressing on during those difficult times when you want to throw in the towel and give up.

May 30th, 2009

Happy Days Are Here Again!

It took me awhile to get here.  But I finally got it!  The key to happiness in life?  Do what makes you happy.  

Oftentimes, we’re raised by our families, friends, culture, community and society to believe that life is about struggle.  The 80’s slogan, “No pain, no gain!” epitomizes this belief.  Yet, how can we be happy if we’re spending all our time miserable and doing things that deplete rather than fill us?  As I was bike riding with my husband today, enjoying nature and the feeling of the wind on my face, I realized how simple it is, and yet how complicated we make things.  Maybe we’re afraid of being that happy or believe that it’s a mirage tempting us only to disappear when we get close.  Sure there are difficulties in life that I’m not trying to sugar coat but there are always moments in which we can choose joy instead of pain.

So here’s my challenge to you.  I dare you to do something that you truly enjoy whether it’s taking 5 minutes for meditation or an hour massage.  You don’t have to spend a lot of money to do something that feels indulgent.  For me, a night spent writing is a night well spent.  Make it a regular event and schedule it in, and soon you’ll be on a path towards true happiness.  

And for an inspirational story, check out this one from Chicken Soup for the Soul.
