Archive for ‘Uncategorized’

October 12th, 2009

Is Change Coming? And If So, Are You Ready for It?


There’s some things in life that we have no control over.  Things like the weather, the economy, and these days even our job situation can make us feel helpless and vulnerable to change.  But there are other things such as where we live, what actions we take on a daily basis and how we choose to be towards others that we can change.  Why is this important?  Understanding what stage you are in can help bring awareness to why you haven’t loss that weight, applied for that job or taken steps toward your dreams.  Keep reading to determine where you are in the process of change.

According to James Prochaska, John Norcross and Carlo Diclemente in Changing for Good, there are six stages of change.  The first is precontemplation.  You are considered a precontemplator if you resist change, are in denial that you need to change and externalize your problems-blaming others for them instead of focusing on yourself.

The second stage is contemplation.  Contemplators, in comparison to precontemplators, acknowledge that they have a problem and want to find a solution for it.  They are, however, stuck in limbo lacking commitment toward their goals.  They know that they want to change, and may even have steps to get there but they’d rather be thinking about it rather than acting on it.

Preparation is next.  Contemplators who deal with their fears and anxiety and take steps toward action are considered to be in the preparation stage.  Although they are committed and may have already taken steps toward change, this is also the time where ambivalence can potentially sabotage their efforts.

Action.   The stage that involves modifying behaviors such as applying and interviewing for jobs, or getting rid of junk food in the house.  It requires significant time and commitment to your goals.

Then, there’s Maintenance. Being cognizant of the gains you have made up to this point needs to be recognized as well as being aware of future challenges.  It is easy to relapse from this stage so strong commitment is imperative to keeping you on the right track.

Lastly, Termination.  If you’re breaking a bad habit or addiction then termination may either mean you’ve reached your goal and/or that you need to be sure to maintain this state for the rest of your life.  If your change was getting a dream job, or moving to another state, celebrate!  You’ve successfully reached the other side and can reap the benefits of your hard work, serious self-reflection and commitment to your dreams.

July 23rd, 2009

Birthday Break

Today I’m taking a birthday break. While I will enjoy my special day, click over to not2shabby to celebrate by winning a free gift, my treat.

Birthday Cake

July 17th, 2009

Exciting News!

It’s hard to believe it’s been a week since I decided to go full-time as a freelancer! It’s been bliss!  There’s also a lot of exciting things that’s been happening. Starting this coming Monday check out a new feature to this blog and you’ll want to tune in next Thursday at not2shabby for sure!

July 8th, 2009

Some Comic Relief

The economy.  MJ.  Global warming.  Sometimes we all need some comic relief. In yesterday’s post, I wrote about staying positive as a way to help get you through the rough spots in the path toward your dreams.  Well here’s a video that should provide at least some temporary bouts of guffaws and laughter. Perfect for the middle of the week.


June 1st, 2009

Magic Bubbles

It’s amazing what happens when you start making decisions based on what you want versus what you think you should do.  Suddenly, things begin to fall into place and that’s when miracles can happen.  

Oprah is a great example of someone who follows her true calling and has had several instances of pure magic.  It’s a great reminder of what happens when we take risks to follow our dreams.  She said once that after seeing a guest on her show make massive magical bubbles she also felt like blowing bubbles.  Then, when she went up to her office she saw a bag filled with a bubblemaker from Tiffany’s.  She thought someone had put it there because of the show but found that the bubblemaker had been sitting there the whole time.  

I wholeheartedly believe that if you take steps to create a clear vision of what you want for yourself, these dreams can come true.  Though the miracles may seem small, I believe that they are constant reminders that life is magical, if only we take the time to tune in and appreciate them.

Like what you just read?  Have some inspirational stories of your own?  Post a comment and/or subscribe to this blog here.

April 30th, 2009

Reading the Signs

w20-11The other day, I took a walk and noticed a big sign that read, “Road Work Ahead.” Then I thought, what a great representation of life.  Right when you think you’ve got life figured out, some obstacle, a roadblock, challenges you to rethink your life and you’re stuck asking yourself that age old question, “Why me?”  

Life IS about change after all and though we sometimes want to avoid it, there will always be more roads to build, more paths to heal, and more decisions to be made.  The great thing is that the choice is always in our hands.  Do we, for example, when faced with an obstacle turn around and run the other way, keep trekking on, or take a break and reflect on where we’ll go next?  

Regardless of how we respond, the great thing about signs is that it reminds us that life can be as magical as it was when we were kids.  The magic lies in the small, seemingly insignificant events filled with miracles and signs of hope that’ll lead you to the real gold at the end of the rainbow, your dreams.  The key is to open our eyes and hearts to possibility and be fully present in every day moments like these and have the courage to take a deep breath and plow ahead.

Photo Credit

April 28th, 2009

Suffering from Busy-itis?

self_care_cards_lgI bought these great Self-Care cards from Cheryl Richardson ($10.85 from awhile ago which I used to use when I counseled kids.  Once in awhile I like to take them out and randomly pull three in a kind of fortune-telling for fun game.  Today I chose Silence, Tenderness and Relaxation dealing with resting, doing nothing and being kind to myself.  I thought it was an interesting trio especially since I have been home sick for a few days.  

Catching the “busy-itis” bug most of my life has made doing nothing seem extremely difficult for me.  Even being sick is not enough of a reason for me to lie down and do nothing for the day.  I tried it yesterday and looked out the window, noticed how dirty it was and spent an hour cleaning it.  

While my hubby is enjoying himself watching TV or surfing the Internet, you can usually find me washing dishes, working on an article or planning my next project.  I even asked him the other day, what would happen if he didn’t watch TV or play his online computer game.  His reply?  “You want me to stare off into space and do nothing?”  Although it seemed kind of funny at first, I started to wonder, maybe all of us need to tune out from the outside world every once in awhile, so that we can learn to turn in to ourselves.  

The way the world is today, we’re constantly doing something-updating our Twitter or Facebook accounts, texting our friends, or even writing our blogs.  Are we becoming more connected or even more disconnected these days?  As a child I would sit and look outside my front door at the rain drops falling on the concrete and dream.  That’s when the sound of water falling engendered relaxation and creativity, not anxiety.   It made me wonder how much of us today take the time to just be.  

Pulling those three cards was an “ah-ha” moment for me.  Hopefully it will be a constant reminder about the importance of nothingness.  It is, after all, in nothingness that we gain insight, develop problem solving ideas, heal and recuperate and begin the process of creativity from potential to reality.

April 28th, 2009


“The only courage you really need is to live the life of your dreams.”

-Oprah Winfrey

April 24th, 2009

Keep Fighting the Fight and Follow Your Dreams

When you’re venturing out in the world to do something big, something that’s important to you, whether it’s starting a business or finding your purpose, it’s easy to get discouraged.  The more we have to give the world, the greater our fears of being rejected.  The world can seem like a cold, harsh place where any feedback can feel more personal.  It’s a lot easier to do something safe, then to take a giant step outside of our comfort zones to really risk our most valuable treasure…our souls.

That’s why I have so much admiration for those who risk it all.  Who put their hearts, financial security or even practicality on the line to go for what really matters.  We have only one life after all!  Why not live it to the fullest degree possible?!  

And for those of us who are not there yet, or who are there but still have bad days every once in awhile, this post is dedicated to you!  Keep going.  Don’t give up.  The rainbow is right around the corner.  And the gold that you find will be more precious than the kind around your neck or finger.  It’s the knowledge that you did it!  You took the risk.  You put your heart out.  You are truly alive!  And honestly, that’s all any of us really want or could ask for.  

Here’s a prayer I found on and by Vienna Cobb Anderson for all of you dreamers out there!

We pray for the dreamers of this life, O God,
for those persons who imagine new possibilities,
who long for what others cannot perceive,
who spin dreams of wonder and majesty in their minds.
Defend them from ridicule and harsh criticism,
from self-doubt and lack of faith in their dreams,
and from abandonment of this call to make things new.
Grant that from their dreams
may come forth blessings for humankind
to enrich the quality of life
and the wonderment of us all.

– Vienna Cobb Anderson

April 21st, 2009

Asking a Mentor, Part II

Another one of my inspirational role models is young couple John and Sherry of “This Young House.”  I was driven to their beautiful blog when I caught an episode of HGTV’s “Rate My Space” and got wind of their uber-talents in interior design.  Soon after, I was hooked!  And following my first successful attempt to email a mentor (see previous entry below), I was less afraid to take the plunge and try it again.  

Well, I couldn’t have been more thrilled with Sherry’s response!  She was kind, SO cool, and just like I’d imagined her to be-full of energy and passion for what she does-a true inspiration to me.  Read an excerpt of Sherry’s email below to find out what her secrets are for getting to where she is today.  I’ve broken it up into themes by what factors helped get them on their way.

1.  Luck & Gratitude.  We have definitely had a series of lucky breaks to end up where we are today in the blog world, and for that we’re eternally thankful. We never solicited these mentions, people found us and liked what they saw- which is truly amazing and we still pinch ourselves when we think about it!”

2. Opportunity. “It might not have been the job that we always wanted, but once we started to grow and get such a great response it quickly became clear that it was what we loved doing, and we’d do anything we could to keep it going and help it grow even more!”

3. Talent & Hard Work. “I also think a lot of our success has to do with the fact that we’re actually writers (I used to be a copywriter and John’s still in advertising to this day) and we truly love to write (we ENJOY it and it’s never a chore) and we try very hard to come up with creative and unexpected approaches to decorating that won’t break the bank (which is really something that people can relate to these days). I’m not gonna lie- it’s the hardest job we’ve ever had. We work weekends and nights and we’re never really “off” because the internet is 24/7 and someone always has a question or places an order that we have to fill. Our to-do list is always eons long- and of course we still have to find time to write posts and complete house projects to keep people coming back! In short, it’s definitely a lot of work but it’s also rewarding and creative and challenging too. And we love a challenge!” 

4. Passion. I have no idea what I would be doing if I didn’t have the blog to keep me busy. Probably still writing copy for advertising (which I also enjoyed, I even wrote some celebrity stuff for the Got Milk campaign when we were in NYC). But the blog brings a different sort of independent satisfaction. We do it all and we’re the boss and we decide everything that happens with it and that’s very satisfying and empowering. Plus I’m just crazy about design and decorating and online shopping and color and art so it’s a great combination of a ton of things that really float my boat!” 

5. Dream.  I think our dream was to create a place that we’d love to drop in on (a site with tutorials and info and nice people who actually answer questions and emails), so we created the thing that we hadn’t found yet and people really seem to be happy that we did.”