Posts tagged ‘Following your dream’

March 8th, 2010

First Hint of the Week…

Are you struggling to find “the one?”

The career that combines your passion for making a difference in the world?

Well, then you’ll definitely want to stay tuned and join us here at 2inspired on March 24th! I’ve been talking with the best in the biz and wanted to give you an early head’s up on something that’s going on that day. I’ll be giving you hints every week until then, but I hope you’ll stay tuned to read about a few inspiring stories along the way. First up, my story.

I started 2inspired over a year ago in October 2008. In all honesty, I was feeling uninspired. I was working at various jobs, floundering around without any direction.

I was lost. The way, I’m thinking you might be right now.

I had a dream, but it wasn’t a possibility at that time. I was still in the mindset of working to make money, kind of like the phrase, “eat to live,” not “live to eat.”

Fear drove my life.

Yet, I was slowly being pulled to do something more. I saw it in my attraction to reality shows and the Oprah show. I read it in books and magazines. And I felt it every time I met someone and heard their inspiring story.

Gradually, my outer life began to reflect my inner one. And I wanted a way to help motivate others to live greater than they had been living. That’s the story behind 2inspired.

I’ve been on this journey with you and will continue to provide stories that will uplift my spirit as well as yours. If you’re out there, leave a note and tell me where you are on this journey and where you want to go from here. I’m also open to hearing any feedback you have on 2inspired so far.

And remember to return every week for more hints and then on the 24th for the big surprise!

August 11th, 2009

Just Say No: How Saying No Can Help You Say Yes to What You Really Want

On the well worn path toward the gold at the end of the rainbow, there will be many sidesteps along the way. Sometimes the road is unpaved and hard and there are no signs along the way to alert you where to go. And then you see a temporary haven, an easy way out, a shortcut towards your dreams. The question is do you take it?

Well if you have been reading my blog for a few weeks now, you know that I’ve favored saying yes in the past. That’s why you might be surprised to now read that I’ve had a change of heart. Maybe it is not always good to say yes to every opportunity.  In fact, recently I have relearned the value of saying no.

Sometimes when we’re on our way to fulfilling our dreams it can seem like forever and the gap between where we are now until where we want to be can feel overwhelming. But oftentimes we can’t see how close we are to the end.  We’re on our final lap and we don’t even know it but in our frustration we may give up too easily.  

When we are feeling desperate, we start desiring anything and everything.  You know the feeling you get when you’ve been dieting for too long and EVERYTHING starts to look good!  Well that’s what happens when you feel like you’ll never get the relationship, the job, or that plum writing assignment you are dreaming of.  Out of desperation you begin thinking of giving up.  You might think to yourself, “I might as well just ___ (fill in the blank with your chosen act of desperation) because I won’t ever get to ______ (fill in the blank with your dream).”

Well I’m hear to tell you, “Just Say No!” Although the temptation may be great, taking that low paying job or that high paying job you hate just because you are worried you won’t ever get there will only get you even farther from your dreams.  Stick to your goals.  Remember why you came here in the first place.  And don’t ever let your feelings of insecurites, self-doubt and desperation talk you into saying yes to living a life that’s less than the one that you deserve.  You will get there with time, patience, hard work and the belief that you can really succeed.  Trust me.  Saying yes to opportunities you don’t believe in and that doesn’t fulfill you is less of an opportunity and more of a temporary shortcut, one that will undermine your hardwork and prevent you from living the life of your dreams.


June 27th, 2009

Risk it all to have it all

Life is scary. Life can be hard. And from what we do know, it doesn’t get any easier. So why do we do it? Why do we take risks, make that leap, dive into the unknown?

Simple. Because it’s worth it.

And it’s worth it not because it’s important to others or because of what it brings to us.  Money, prestige, awards, fame are all seemingly nice rewards for a job well done.  But the real thrill is “swallowing that jagged pill” because we are human and we can.

Life working in the cube was predictable, stable and comfortable.  But it was also boring, mind-numbing and unchallenging.  It took away all the great gifts we are endowed with being human.  There was no emotion involved, no fear of rejection, nor test of our worth.  In essence, it taught me what it would be like to be a computer.

While steady pay is always a great thing, it’s also important to remember who we are.  We’re built to be tough, to withstand hardship, to learn from our mistakes, and grow as individuals.  

This experience has taught me that no matter how scary it is to dive into the real world, I’d much rather take that risk then to deny myself the experience of being human.

Life is short.  And in the end, what will be the things we regret or wished we did?  The next time you’re faced with a challenge, remember that you’re already equipped to deal with it.  Take a chance and you will be rewarded.  Not with riches, prestige and fame (which may or may not come) but with the feeling of confidence that you can do anything and be anyone.  And that my friends, is a reward that is truly priceless.

Taking a Risk

June 25th, 2009

A Night to Remember

I took a few days off of blogging to experience the fruits of my labor. I got invited to a private launch party for the magazine I recently wrote for. It was thrilling to be there-to hear the owner tearfully and gratefully introduce her new magazine, to see it being revealed, to network with others who are also following their dreams. The moment was memorable and now I’m exhausted. Will be back tomorrow for more inspiring posts. Stay tuned!

June 23rd, 2009

Creating a Soundtrack for Your Life

Did you ever watch Ally McBeal?  Well I was a big fan for its humorous and quirky characters and I loved watching Ally’s drama play out in creative, fantasies that reminded me of being a kid.  

What has stayed with me long after the series ended in 2002 is how her therapist played by Tracey Ullman, asked her to choose a theme song representing her life.  I’ll never forget seeing Ally dance in the street to, “I Know Something About Love.”  It’s a reminder to me about the importance music plays in our life.

When life gets you down, when your muse is on hiatus, or when you just need a boost, do you have a soundtrack ready to lift you up?  

For me, when I’m feeling overwhelmed, when I can’t see past this week, Michelle Branch’s, “If I Just Breathe” always fills me.  It particularly makes me think of one of my favorite Sex in the City episodes. If you’re a fan like me, you know Season 6, Episode 82 “The Catch” where Carrie swings on the trapeze and falls right into the safety net.  

Something about the lyrics and seeing her smile, helps to remind me that sometimes even when there seems to be nothing there to save us in life, if we just take that giant leap, our own safety net will be ready and waiting to catch us if and when we fall.  

What about you?  Got a tune you listen to? Share them here.

June 1st, 2009

Magic Bubbles

It’s amazing what happens when you start making decisions based on what you want versus what you think you should do.  Suddenly, things begin to fall into place and that’s when miracles can happen.  

Oprah is a great example of someone who follows her true calling and has had several instances of pure magic.  It’s a great reminder of what happens when we take risks to follow our dreams.  She said once that after seeing a guest on her show make massive magical bubbles she also felt like blowing bubbles.  Then, when she went up to her office she saw a bag filled with a bubblemaker from Tiffany’s.  She thought someone had put it there because of the show but found that the bubblemaker had been sitting there the whole time.  

I wholeheartedly believe that if you take steps to create a clear vision of what you want for yourself, these dreams can come true.  Though the miracles may seem small, I believe that they are constant reminders that life is magical, if only we take the time to tune in and appreciate them.

Like what you just read?  Have some inspirational stories of your own?  Post a comment and/or subscribe to this blog here.