Posts tagged ‘Believing your worthy’

July 16th, 2009

Harry Potter Made Me Believe

I was lucky enough to catch the latest Harry Potter late last night.  It was the best one yet!  Lots of actions, excitement, humor and even a few love stories added to the mix.  

The thing that really got me about this one was how scary it was.  I had to close my eyes to get through some of the scenes.  My reaction got me thinking about how much they resemble my personal fears.  They too sometimes make me want to squeeze my eyes shut especially when there’s no magic wand to make it all go away.

So how do we deal with our fears?  

Well in reality, we can either run and hide or face them head on.  Though we might not have a wand to make them disappear, we do have the courage to defeat them.  We are a lot stronger than our fears and a whole lot more powerful.

In fact, there’s no need for a cape, super powers, or magic to get us through even the scariest moments in our lives.  All it takes is having the courage to believe…belief in ourselves and our dreams.

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood PrincePhoto from the

July 6th, 2009

The "I'm Not Worthy" Syndrome

It was made funny by Dana Carvey in SNL’s favorite sketch “Wayne’s World,” but in reality feeling unworthy is anything but funny.  Whether it’s money, success or happiness that we’re fearing, why is it that we often deny ourselves what really want out of the fear that we’re unworthy of it?

Oftentimes when I’m hitting the online job ads, I automatically look for qualifications and skills that I don’t have versus what I do.  Somehow it’s an easy way for me to eliminate jobs.  Yet, even when I find gigs that I’m qualified for I tend to second guess myself.  And what’s left?  Jobs I’m overqualified for.  Sure those are easy to get, but they’re not so fun to maintain.  More importantly, they are most likely unchallenging and unworthy of you, your time, skills and energy.

So what’s the antidote to the I’m not worthy syndrome?  Take a shot of confidence, a dose of courage and a drop of hope and then take a deep breath and do it anyway.  The thing is that even the most successful person you admire didn’t start off that way.  Everyone experiences that moment when they doubt who they are and if they can really make it.  

The difference between them and us?  They took a chance and believed that they could.  So the next time you feel insecure, unsure and unworthy, remember this one thing: pretend that you are already the person you’ve always wanted to be.  Imagine you are successful, amazing, and totally worthy.  Chances are, you already are!
