Archive for ‘work’

March 4th, 2010

Surprising Things are Coming to 2inspired

Hi all! I just wanted to give you a head’s up that I’ve got something cooking over here at 2inspired. It’s been a long time since we’ve had something this BIG and I’m all jittery about it. Can’t wait to share it with you all. I’ll be giving a few hints along the way so keep tuning it to see if you can solve the mystery.

July 7th, 2009

In the meantime, in between time

Sometimes you know where you want to be but you just can’t get there yet.  You might be working at a job you hate or in a relationship that’s not working. That’s okay.  You can still get to your dream and live in the moment now, no matter how sucky that now might be.  

The time between now and then may seem like eons away.  When you’re staring at the gold at the end of the rainbow but you’re standing under some gray clouds and rain, your present moment may not seem as dreamy as you’d wish it to be.  

So what do you do to stay focused on your far away dreams?

Stay positive.  Watch funny movies.  Call your funny friends.  And remember to surround yourself with as much positivity as you can stand.  It’s going to be rough in the meantime, so at least have some fun along the way.

Stay present but remain focused on the goal.  Some days may be harder than others to get through the day.  When I was feeling stuck at my 9-5 job, I used my lunch hour to read books on following my dreams and strategized how I would get there.  I had a plan and a timeline.  This helped me to stay focus on my future goals and prevented me from getting overwhelmed by the difficulties of daily life.

Try to find the silver lining.  Maybe your job, relationship, etc. isn’t the greatest, but you’re going through it for a reason.  Try to figure out what this situation is trying to teach you so that you can learn from the situation.

In the meantimes are always rough.  I know because I’ve had my share.  Remember to be kind to yourself during this time and know that like everything else, “this too shall pass.”

July 6th, 2009

The "I'm Not Worthy" Syndrome

It was made funny by Dana Carvey in SNL’s favorite sketch “Wayne’s World,” but in reality feeling unworthy is anything but funny.  Whether it’s money, success or happiness that we’re fearing, why is it that we often deny ourselves what really want out of the fear that we’re unworthy of it?

Oftentimes when I’m hitting the online job ads, I automatically look for qualifications and skills that I don’t have versus what I do.  Somehow it’s an easy way for me to eliminate jobs.  Yet, even when I find gigs that I’m qualified for I tend to second guess myself.  And what’s left?  Jobs I’m overqualified for.  Sure those are easy to get, but they’re not so fun to maintain.  More importantly, they are most likely unchallenging and unworthy of you, your time, skills and energy.

So what’s the antidote to the I’m not worthy syndrome?  Take a shot of confidence, a dose of courage and a drop of hope and then take a deep breath and do it anyway.  The thing is that even the most successful person you admire didn’t start off that way.  Everyone experiences that moment when they doubt who they are and if they can really make it.  

The difference between them and us?  They took a chance and believed that they could.  So the next time you feel insecure, unsure and unworthy, remember this one thing: pretend that you are already the person you’ve always wanted to be.  Imagine you are successful, amazing, and totally worthy.  Chances are, you already are!


July 2nd, 2009

Are you a cat or a dog?

My co-worker yesterday told me that he was half-cat.  Knowing he wasn’t crazy, I asked him to clarify.  He said he lived life thinking that he had at least 3 more to go.  “Ah!” I said.  Now I get it.  I told him, “Well I’m a dog then.  Cause I live life like I only have one.”  

How do you live your life?  

Are you still waiting for life to happen to you?  Feel like you have forever and a day to make that dream come true?  For all we know, we only have one life so we might as well live it to the fullest. 

A dog's life

June 30th, 2009

How to Cover a Blunder

A pimple can be covered with concealer but a blunder?  A blunder may need to be exposed no matter how unattractive it is to its beholder.  Whether you failed a test, stuck your foot in your mouth, hit send on an angry “I will never send” email, blunders are truth tellers and you’ll be better off listening to what they’re trying to say.

The hard part may be taking it.  Sure the lesson may be to spend more time checking your work in advance, or rereading your email, but your head may be saying, “You idiot!”  

So what do you do when you’ve encountered a personal blunder? 

While failing has the power to make others quit before they’re ahead, it fuels my fire.  Yes messing up doesn’t feel good but there are ways to get around it so that you get all the benefits of learning a lesson without torturing yourself to get there.

Get Physical!  “When the going gets tough, the tough gets moving.”  Get up and get out and do something!  I love zumba because it’s fun and challenging to the point that I can’t think about anything else but what I’m doing in the moment.  The key is to find something that changes your thinking from past thoughts “Why didn’t I?” to present minded thinking “What am I doing now?”

Forgive Yourself.  I’m sure we all know that no one is perfect. Yet, we often don’t give ourselves the break that we give others.  The next time you feel like you “messed up,” imagine what you would say to a friend and then say it to yourself.

Have Faith.  “It ain’t over ’til the _____.”  I once heard a quote that said if everything hasn’t worked itself out, then it isn’t over.  I agree.  You never know why whatever happened did.  Maybe you “messed up” an interview because subconsciously you didn’t really want it.  Or maybe you loss one job or relationship only to find a better one to come along later.  You never know what will happen or why it happens and it’s better that way.  Have faith that things happen for a reason, you may just not know what that is yet.

So the next time you are faced with a blunder, don’t hide from it, cover it up or pretend it doesn’t exist.  Instead, look it right in the face and say thank you because you never know what lessons it has in store for you.

December 24th, 2008

Too Much Thoughts

I haven’t written in awhile and when I don’t write, my head is like what a psychic told me once-filled with too much data like a worn out, used disk.  I need to reboot and reload.  So forgive me if this entry is messy, and unfocused.  My head is filled with too much ideas right now. 

Being back home, for example, has given me a lot things to think about and write about such as what am I doing with my life and where am I going?  Right now the economy is affecting everyone, small businesses, holiday shopping, and just an overall feeling of unhappiness and worry.   I don’t know anyone right now who truly enjoys there job but feel that they are lucky to have a job and so will stick with it.  What will this mean for writers?  What will this mean for people like me still searching for our dream job?  I don’t want to give up the dream but the issue of money continues to haunt me.