Archive for ‘Freelance writing’

January 9th, 2010

A Shift in Perspective Can Mean More Than a Better Attitude But a Chance for a New Outcome

For the past week I’ve been fighting a cold. I say fighting because not only was my body fighting germs, but I was fighting with myself (Do nothing and feel guilty vs. Do something and stay sick longer).

In the end, I fought the urge to be productive and succumbed to the highly seductive task of sleeping in, not exercising and reading.

What did I learn?

It was a lot harder to do nothing than it would have been if I had gone to zumba for an hour every day like I normally would. And in the end, I did do a few crafts and exercise a few days last week.

But what I learned was that the most difficult part was shifting my perspective from, “If I don’t do anything, my world will come crumbling down” to trusting that everything was already working fine without me and would continue to do so whether I was working or sleeping.

Instead of working half-butt on my biz with minimal energy, I focused inward on the self-doubt and anxiety that started to arise when I was doing nothing. I meditated, read Martha Beck and stared off in space a lot.

And somewhere in between, I had a sudden feeling of peace and assurance that my business wouldn’t fail if I took a break. That what was lacking in my job search and query writing was faith. I needed to learn how to trust that everything would work out in the end. And that I could really only do so much.

If I was going to get the clients I wanted to work with and the jobs that inspired me, I realized that I needed to start with a relaxed state of mind. Desperation, anxiety and fear were only going to attract negative energy and situations to me. I know because it already had, in the past.

And you know what?

A week has passed. I am no longer sick. I am well-rested, refreshed, optimistic and have a whole slew of potential clients just from this past week.

The best part? I don’t have to worry anymore. Because when I wasn’t looking, the world kept turning and going along just fine, without me.

October 30th, 2009

Patience is Key

When the phone stops ringing and emails grow thin, do you take this time to reflect and refocus or panic out? Well I’m with you if you say yes to the former and no to the latter. It’s extremely difficult for me to keep positive with business gets slow. I go straight from worry to panic in 60 seconds.

But here’s what I realized. Being successful at your craft takes time. And you may need that time before things get busy again. The next time you’re waiting on anything, use the extra moments to reorganize your life.

The nervous energy actually helps me work faster and more efficiently. A few days this week I actually went through all of my invoices to figure out how much I have been making in the last month. This helped me to refocus my attention on my business and to spend my energy on the business aspect of freelancing that I had neglected while I was writing.

In the meantime while you’re working on one thing, the question you needed answered or that job you were waiting for will suddenly appear.

Rabbit patiently waiting for his treat

September 15th, 2009

Free Your Fears and Let Your Inspiration Soar

I’ve been procrastinating-fingers numb, heart tingling, and palms sweating whenever I think about this subject.  I’ve been postponing writing about it since I returned from Hawaii several weeks ago.  But the fear has been holding me hostage.  Inspiration has been drying up and all of a sudden I started wondering where did my passion go?

Did you ever see “Something’s Gotta Give?”  Well if you haven’t seen it yet, I recommend you rent it (or wait for it on TV-TBS plays it like every few weeks).  You aspiring writers out there will get a heart flutter or at least a good chuckle at Diane Keaton’s emotional vulnerability.  I for one LOL every time I see it even though I’ve watched it at least 5 times.

The part that gets me is watching how she uses her passion (in this case her heartbreak from Jack Nicholson’s character) and throws it into her work like fuel to the fire.  Believe me when I say it’s a beautiful thing to watch.

Her courage is her ability to let go and fully experience pain which is both heartbreaking and heartwarming because it is so indicative of what it means to be human.  I admire that.  And the result was that she was able to create her best written work yet.

Whenever we try to quell the flame by burying our pain via alcohol, drugs, food denial, (you name your addiction), or as Alanis Morissette said in her huge cult following song You Learn, “Swallow it down, what a jagged little pill,” we also kill inspiration, passion and our poor muse with it.  Our desire to cover our fears by denying them also takes a toll on our dreams.

How do I know?

Well I’m sitting here typing away at 10 ’til 11 pm, no closer to writing the topic that I’m afraid of writing about let alone think about.

What’s the topic?

If I could write it, it would be written.  It’s between me, my keyboard and my fear of experiencing what the story will do to me.

I know eventually I will get there-mostly because it has to be written.  But I wonder how much of us sacrifice our life’s purpose because we are afraid of what that change will bring.

If you are feeling stuck like me, you might be wondering what’s up?  Is it writer’s block?  Mid-life crisis?  It could be that your emotions are stuck.  It’s kind of like playing a video game but getting stuck at the same level.  You may need to experience something different, learn a lesson, feel your fears, have a good cry or find a new path to get unstuck to get yourself courageously on to the next level.

September 8th, 2009

New Project in the Works

I’ve been working hard to create a professional site solely for my writing. While I’ll be continually updating it to showcase my writing samples and creating posts about writing itself, I’ll still be keeping up with 2inspired and not2shabby.  (By the way, not2shabby’s having a giveaway and the contest ends tomorrow.  If you haven’t already entered, click here.)  If you or someone you know is on the hunt for an experienced writer, please pass on my new website.  Thanks in advance!

September 3rd, 2009

Do You Have the BALLS?!

All this talk about fear has gotten me scared.  I mean COME ON after reading a handful of articles about writer’s who ate only raw food or fast food for a month, or worked in an Alzheimer’s care facility, I started to ask myself, “Do I have the balls to be a writer?”

What does it take to be a writer?  What does it take to do anything we dream of doing for that matter?

Sure there’s talent, skill, experience, luck…Wait, I just watched Oprah today and ventriloquist Terry Fator said luck had nothing to do with his recent multimillion dollar contract with the Mirage Hotel in Vegas. This sucks because I was really hoping to at least get 1 out of 4.

But seriously if it ain’t luck and I’m too much of a chicken to eat tasteless food or take care of Alzheimer’s patients, then what good am I?

If you’re asking yourself the same questions and are thinking “what’s the use in trying,” I’d say think again.  Sure there may be hundreds of thousands-even millions-of people trying to do what you do, but there is also no one else in the world like you.  The best way to transform your dreams into a reality is to find something you are truly passionate about and don’t stop trying.

When I think back on my life as a young girl from a small island, I never would have believed that I would one day travel to Italy and Greece or see my name in a book or a magazine.  I’m sure you have your own story too.  We all need to believe that we were put on this earth for a purpose.  That our individualities, our quirkiness, what makes others think we’re weird, is all part of what makes us unique.  Let’s celebrate that instead of spending time hiding it!

Oprah has said countless times that we should embrace who we are and be good at that instead of trying to be someone else.  I agree and think that courage comes when we let go of the crutches that give us a false sense of security, a pseudo protection from the world.  We need to let go, risk failing and falling hard to grow, hope and dream.

When I was in middle school, probably my most hated time in life, all I wanted was to be like everyone else.  Now in my thirties, I am a cheerleader for my differences.  The more different, the better!  That’s why I think that although I might not have the courage to do any great feat, I can write because I can do one thing right-believe.  Belief in yourself can get you everywhere.  Although you need to talent, a bit of luck and experience to push you through, you can’t go very far unless you believe that you can.

So here’s hoping that with every new endeavor, you carry a stroke of luck, a gift of talent and skill, that you befriend courage and hold belief close to your heart.  That, my friend, is the balls you need to get you through any scary obstacle toward your dreams.


September 2nd, 2009

Cover Story is Up

I’ve been a busy bee these days trying to follow my dreams.  One of them has been my long held desire to write for a magazine.  Although I’m still climbing that never ending hill, I’m trying to enjoy the journey.  Here is one fruit of my labor. (Sherry from Young House Love taught me this cool trick: Now you can click on the photo to magnify the image so go ahead and read away!)

Eucalyptus September Issue

Eucalyptus Sept Issue pg2

Eucalyptus Mag pg3

August 14th, 2009

A Personal Dream Fulfilled

One of my dreams is to see my name in a magazine. My ultimate wish is to be a magazine columnist. That’s why I was over the moon when I finally saw my name in print. It may be a small step in the publishing world but a big step for a small town girl like me.   

Eucalyptus Magazine Tea TimeEucalyptus Magazine Tea Time 2

If you are interested in reading the full article, go here.

Eucalyptus Magazine Gym Article

August 4th, 2009

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: Read This Before You Go After Your Dreams

When I left corporate life almost a month ago, I didn’t realize how different going on my own would be. I did not know for example, how freeing it would be or how I would suddenly feel alive again. I also didn’t know how emotionally challenging and financially straining it could be. I remember a friend telling me something similar about having a baby. She said she knew it would be hard, but was surprised at how hard. In this way, creating your own business or going for your dream job are a lot like having your own baby. It’s a creative endeavor that requires courage, strength, and perseverance. You love it. It’s yours but no one likes to talk about the hard part. So here’s the realistic side of going for your dreams.

  1. It will test every ounce of courage you have. It will test your faith. And it will force you to face every insecurity and self-doubt you have about your abilities, intentions and passion. Is this REALLY what you want to do? Be prepared because life will ask you this question over and over again with every challenge that comes your way. Think about this every time, you receive a letter of rejection. Think about how much you want it. 
  2. There are a lot of wolves out there. Not everyone out in the world is nice and friendly. When you work at a regular 9 to 5, you deal with difficult people but you know who they are and what to expect. When you go out on your own, the wolves sometimes are disguised and you never know who you’re getting-the nice old lady or the money hungry wolf. Be kind and courteous to everyone and if you don’t receive that in return, look for the nearest exit.
  3. You’ll lose sight of your goals. It’s so easy to get caught up in all of the emotional stuff that comes with following your dreams. The reason? Because it’s personal. What’s not personal are the negative reactions of others, critiques you get, and any seemingly misstep along the way. Remember who you are, why you’re doing this and you will remember what you are doing here in the first place. Use that to counterattack any negativity that comes your way.
  4. You will question your abilities. When life is good, things seem easy. Smooth sailing doesn’t always last, however. And that’s a good thing. Challenges and bumps in the road are there to force us to grow and get out of our comfort zone. In the corporate world I often thought, “This is too easy and I’m bored!” When you start asking yourself, “Am I really good enough?” You know you’re in the right place.
  5. You will wonder if you made the right decision to leave. No matter how bad the situation was, you’ll begin to question whether you made the right decision by leaving. The fear of the unknown is often the culprit. All it should take is a trip down memory lane to remind you why you left in the first place. Keep your eyes looking forward and don’t look back. Remember that the grass is always greener on the other side.

Growth exists somewhere between being too comfortable and being uncomfortable. Here’s hoping that no matter where you are, you find a bit of good in the bad and beauty in the ugly. Venice

July 28th, 2009

Follow the Beat of Your Own Drum

“Walk away from the 97% crowd. Don’t use their excuses. Take charge of your own life.” — Jim Rohn

I’ve never been one to follow the crowd. I remember being in elementary school arguing with my classmates that their crayon drawing of green grass was incorrect because it did not have the brown dirt under it. Anal, I know!

And while my need to follow the beat of my own drum still stays with me today, I now see how doing so can be beneficial in the long run. Great people are the ones that makes waves and are not always the ones who passively ride them. It made me think, maybe being stubborn has its advantages after all. 

In fact, whenever I decide to do something that makes people cringe and cry out, “Why are you doing that?” I kind of think I might be on the right track. I’m not saying of course that I like to be different just for the sake of rebelling. But there is something to be said about the road less travelled. If everyone is doing it, maybe you should ask yourself not why aren’t I doing it too but what else can I do?

If we spend our lives being like everyone else, walking in their shoes, we never get the chance to be the person we were meant to be. We may live a safe life. We may have the support of the majority. But we will always wonder what if. So the next time you are hesitant to stand out from the crowd, remember this. You not only have every right to follow the beat of your own drum but you were born to.

July 6th, 2009

The "I'm Not Worthy" Syndrome

It was made funny by Dana Carvey in SNL’s favorite sketch “Wayne’s World,” but in reality feeling unworthy is anything but funny.  Whether it’s money, success or happiness that we’re fearing, why is it that we often deny ourselves what really want out of the fear that we’re unworthy of it?

Oftentimes when I’m hitting the online job ads, I automatically look for qualifications and skills that I don’t have versus what I do.  Somehow it’s an easy way for me to eliminate jobs.  Yet, even when I find gigs that I’m qualified for I tend to second guess myself.  And what’s left?  Jobs I’m overqualified for.  Sure those are easy to get, but they’re not so fun to maintain.  More importantly, they are most likely unchallenging and unworthy of you, your time, skills and energy.

So what’s the antidote to the I’m not worthy syndrome?  Take a shot of confidence, a dose of courage and a drop of hope and then take a deep breath and do it anyway.  The thing is that even the most successful person you admire didn’t start off that way.  Everyone experiences that moment when they doubt who they are and if they can really make it.  

The difference between them and us?  They took a chance and believed that they could.  So the next time you feel insecure, unsure and unworthy, remember this one thing: pretend that you are already the person you’ve always wanted to be.  Imagine you are successful, amazing, and totally worthy.  Chances are, you already are!
