August 13th, 2010

From Courage to Discourage

Funny how just three letters can take you from Leo the lion to Eeyore the donkey. From courage to discourage, there it goes, our hope is gone in a flash. How fast life can change in a day!

It’s a path often visited by the ambitious and dream driven.

It’s the path of discouragement.

Ssshhhh…lots of successful people wouldn’t dare admit it. But it exists. In fact, one of my favorite authors Julia Cameron of Finding Water: The Art of Perseverance (*my affiliate link) says, “For most artists, discouragement is the private hell we do not talk about.”

And this hell we’re in. Um now how did we get here again?

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August 9th, 2010

Overwhelmed’s Sinister Uglier Sister

In my last post, I talked about being overwhelmed. What I didn’t tell you is that overwhelmed has an older sister. An uglier, sinister one.


The underwhelmed thrives on your fears. It makes you feel like everything is going hunky dory on the surface. Yet, every once in awhile, something sinister creeps up.

You wonder why your business is slowing down, for example. Or why you keep working and working, but you have nothing to show for it.

It’s underwhelmed. She’s working to destroy you, one boring, one uninteresting feat at a time. read more »

August 5th, 2010

Feeling Overwhelmed? Join the Club

Lately, I’ve been feeling like I’ve got a dozen spinning plates in the air. And no one’s going to help me catch them all.

Why this sudden drama fest?

I’ve been dipping my paint brush into too much things lately.

Besides creating a photography site, I’ve been thinking up fast, easy and cheap crafts on not2shabby, making videos here and maintaining my freelance writing site. I’m also taking a Writer’s Digest course on Inspiring Writing, signed up with two new groups (SITS and the Creative Empire). I’m also querying, social networking and connecting with other like-minded folks. And did I mention I’m also the Associate Editor for

So you can see why I’ve been feeling a little overwhelmed lately?

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August 3rd, 2010

Don’t Be Fooled. Mistakes are Not the Enemy!

I don’t know about you, but I’m not perfect. In fact, I’m far from it. You’ll probably see misspellings and grammar errors here and there. And I’ll admit that some of my posts were 100% mistakes on my part.

And you know what?

I’m pretty ecstatic about it.

And nope I’m not a masochist either.

I’ve just learned something important-you may say life changing-about mistakes over the years.

They are good things!

In fact, I’m almost too thrilled when another error has taken place.


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July 28th, 2010

I Saw the Sign: Five Ways to Get Your Life Back on Track

“And it opened up my eyes, I saw the sign. Life is demanding without understanding.”

Pardon me, while I belt a few tunes from a favorite 80’s song. It’s been a rough, downhill slide back into reality after a long and much need vacay.

But thank goodness that I’m a big…no make that HUGE believer in signs.

And I’ve been collecting a few along the way. I think they’ll not just lift me up, but inspire you too, no matter what journey you’re on. read more »

July 23rd, 2010

My Birthday Wish

Do you remember the Seinfeld episode where FDR makes a birthday wish and kooky Kramer who is a b-day wish believer, does everything he can to reverse it? It got me thinking…

If birthday wishes really do come true, what would you wish for?

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July 21st, 2010

A 2inspired First: How to Live an Inspiring Life, the Video

Make sure to turn on the volume on this one. It’s my first so there’s still lots to be improved upon. But hope you’ll enjoy it! I did so there will definitely be more to come. [VIMEO 13477465]

July 19th, 2010

Dear Blog…

Dear blog(s),

I’m writing you this letter to let you know exactly how I feel about you. This has been a long time in coming. We’ve been together for years-7 to be exact! Seven years of an outpouring of emotions, writing to you about everything that’s been going on in my life. read more »

July 14th, 2010

Feeling like Charlie Brown? Turn Mr. Brown’s Frown Upside Down

Before I get into this post, I have to thank you guys for being so diligent and loyal. Somehow you manage to find me here on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and at not2shabby on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays.

How do I know?

My stats look like a roller coaster ride with lots of steep dips on the days I’m not here and huge climbs when I am. So thanks!

Okay back to my original scheduled post…

What to Do When Discouragement Hits

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July 9th, 2010

Super Freak (Super Organized Freak, That Is)

Okay I’ll admit it! One of my weaknesses is that I can get a tad bit disorganized every once in awhile, especially when inspiration hits. I know it can get rather confusing here so I’ve already rearranged things over at my other blog not2shabby (creating a search box for easy searching and a drop down archives list to keep things neat) and for you 2inspired readers, I’m also getting organized just for you.

This means that new readers can go straight to this post for information on specific topics and you oldie, but goodies can search for posts you may have missed. This helps me get organized and helps you find what you need. It’s a win-win situation in all right? *P.S. I’m open to hearing your ideas for how to get 2inspired in better shape. Feel free to email me or leave a comment below with your suggestions.

WARNING: Brace yourself for the onslaught of links ahead!

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